Category: Buddhism

  • What is Happiness? See the Story.

    One of the best teaching stories about happiness that I have read comes from Buddhist teachings.  Here is a story about happiness. Each person reading this story will have a different take away, and that is a good thing.  What I hope that everybody understands from this story is that our happiness stems from how…

  • Thoughts on Being

    There are many ways of being.  We can be, here and now, and that means we are in the present.  Or, we can be upset, angry or discouraged.  We also can be happy, excited, and focused. We can choose to ‘be’ many things. It is difficult, though, to be what we want to be and…

  • A Story About Anger and Releasing It

    As I was sitting and pondering, my guides directed me to this wonderful story by Osho. They asked me to share it with all of you as a gift; a gift that will help you cope with anger if it should appear during the holidays. Picture from Microsoft Clipart “A Zen student came to Bankei…

  • 20 Ways to Get Good Karma Instructions for Life

    –by The Dalai Lama 1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk. 2. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson. 3. Follow the three R’s: – Respect for self, – Respect for others and – Responsibility for all your actions. 4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes…

  • The Five Tibetans–The Fountain of Youth

    From the Editor:  Many years ago, a friend gifted me a book called, “Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth” by Peter Kelder (Harper Press, 1985), and I learned the five movements to create more energy and to have better memory.  The movements that I learned are repeated twenty-one times each day, and may be…

  • The Strong Minded Snake (Determination gains Respect) from Buddha Teachings

    Once upon a time there was a doctor who was an expert at treating snakebites. One day he was called for by the relatives of a man who had been bitten by a deadly poisonous snake. The doctor told them, “There are two ways of treating this snake bite. One is by giving medicine. The…

  • STOP! A Meditation by OSHO

    Editor’s Note:  This meditation by Osho comes from his famous,”Book of Secrets”, and was a wonderful tool to help me become more mindful.  I hope that you try this meditation and practice it for the next several weeks.  –  Judith STOP! A Meditation by OSHO Just as you have the impulse to do something, stop.…

  • Visions

    “Then I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and around and about me was the whole hoop of the world… I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit and the shapes of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw…

  • Why You Are Feeling Sad? – By Osho

    Sadness is nothing but the same energy that could have been happiness. When you don’t see that your happiness is flowering, you become sad. Whenever you see somebody happy, you become sad: Why is it not happening to you? It can happen to you! There is no problem in it. You just have to uncondition…

  • The Greatest Fear is the Opinion of Others

    Funny thing… we want to please the people that we like.  Because we have that need, we pay attention to what we wear, what we eat, what we say, what we do, and even, what we work. Because we want to please that one person, we are the sheep to their lion (or substitute wolf,…


    Several years ago, I was teaching a  beginner’s meditation class, and as part of the workshop, explained the concept of the word/sound “OM” to the participants. Then we did some experiential learning with the sound, both with only me saying the sound, and then with all of us saying the sound. Students felt the vibration…

  • The Greatest Wisdom

    The Greatest Wisdom The greatest achievement is selflessness.The greatest worth is self-mastery.The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.The greatest precept is continual awareness.The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.The greatest generosity is non-attachment.The greatest goodness is a peaceful…

  • The Story of the Shovel Wiseman

    Over time, “things” come and go from our lives.  However, if you are like me, there are some things that really are hard to let go of.  These “things” have a value as a special gift from a special someone, or as a symbol for something you have endured.  We are hard pressed to part…

  • You Are Just A Visitor Here

    “Lady Traveler” from Microsoft Clip Art…. I have been experiencing many different lessons of life over the past twenty years.  Early in this adventure, after each experience, I usually would say, “Wow!  That was intense! I am glad that I am through that!”  As I grew older and wiser, I realized that the lessons were…