Possible Implications of Disclosure

Possible Implications of Disclosure

Mary Lou johnson


It would appear that public disclosure of Unidentified Aerial and Submersible Phenomenon is already underway—slowly and gently on mainstream media, and incrementally more in depth on Youtube and Gaia TV for those who are curious and ready for the news.  They are now no longer identified as “Objects” but as “Phenomenon”— dictionary meaning:  “a fact or situation that is observed to exist but whose cause or explanantion is in question.”


As we digest this information and ponder the future the question arises—“What implications will disclosure have for our planet?”  This question has been tackled by various sources including: 1. NASA who comissioned the Brookings Report in 1960 and approached this subject.  2.  The Roman Catholic Church has been preparing for this event for some time, with their own observatory and several public statements indicating their welcoming of these “people”. 3.  Meanwhile Daniel Sheehan, a high profile trial lawyer has been busy setting up a New Paradigm Instiute in California to train young people in leadership and ambassadorship for this very purpose.  4. Robert Bigelow, a successful American businessman has used his wealth to provide financial support for investigations of UFOs and parapsychological topics, including the continuation of consciousness after death.


The Brookings Report


Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs, often referred to as “the Brookings Report”, was a 1960 report commissioned by NASA and created by the Brookings Institution in collaboration with NASA’s Committee on Long-Range Studies. It was submitted to the House Committee on Science and Astronautics of the United States House of Representatives in the 87th United States Congress[ on April 18, 1961.  It looked at the implications of disclosure and the possible outcomes of it or of the wisdom of maintaining secrecy.  The main author, Donald N. Michael, was a “social psychologist with a background in the natural sciences.”




Some of their concerns were:

—behaviours, attitudes and actions of those in authority and how and when to disclose

— difficult adjustments with possible disintegration of values and attitudes

—Technological by-products and their effect on the status quo

— challenge for those with a secular worldview, which positions humanity as a kind of cosmic accident in an empty cosmos.

—Its effect on conservative Christians who believe them to be demonic

— comparative studies of factors affecting the responses of primitive societies to exposure to technologically advanced societies—some thrived, some endured, and some died.


The Vatican

Although few Roman Catholics are aware of it, the Vatican has been preparing for some time for the arrival of our space brothers and sisters and is planning to welcome them.  When asked whether he would be willing to baptize aliens,   Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno, head of the Vatican Observatory and sometimes called “the pope’s astronomer,” replied, “Only if she asked.”

Their attitude:

‘So bring it on, Director of National iIntelligence and Pentagon. Let’s see what you got!  The Catholic intellectual tradition stands ready to help humanity interpret and process the fact that we are not alone in the universe.’


Most Religious traditions have always believed that we share both Earth and the larger universe with other intelligent beings: angels, demons, demigods, jinn and other kinds of nonhuman intelligences.


In Thomas F. O’Meara’s book “Vast Universe,” he gives a survey of thought about extraterrestrials and Christian revelation. From Origen in the third century to Thomas Aquinas in the 13th to the Renaissance thinkers of the 15th and 16th centuries, there is already a robust set of theological reflections on questions that nonhuman persons on other planets produce.







New Educational Institutions


On his website, Daniel Sheehan states:

“The public statement issued by The Catholic Church in October of 2009 provides some grounds for hope that the institutional churches within our human culture might mobilize in time to undertake this important service to our human family. However, the history of churches and religious organizations over the centuries is not encouraging. Indeed, specific overtures made to the institutional churches within the past two decades to begin to responsibly plan for and prepare for this experience have not been well received…….

Therefore, some other, appropriately sophisticated, UFO-aware, philosophical and theological human movement must provide both a stimulus and a vehicle for the necessary philosophical and theological discussions. This discussion will have to be generated and undertaken among our civilian population in order to provide the positive motive force that will be necessary to stop our political and military institutions from reacting inappropriately to this inter-stellar encounter…..…

We can expect all of the current traditional modes of spiritual practice will try to accommodate this new post-contact reality. However, the radical transformation of all areas of human endeavor and knowledge will require a new internally consistent theological framework.”


The New Paradigm College was established in 2019 in Lucerne, California to promote these values and ‘prepare students and cultural leaders to regenerate living systems, culture and community during this transitional moment in global history.’


Robert Bigelow, an American billionaire, has had a lifelong interest in UAP and Near Death Experiences.  He has invested much of his abundant resources into investigation of both phenomenon and has initiated a Chair of Consciousness studies at University of Las Vegas, as well as various think tanks and action within the US governmental agencies .



So as laypersons we can only hope and anticipate that the coming years will see a smoothe transition to a better world, that we can step up to the plate and do our part in raising our own consciousness so that we are prepared to help in creating new and healthier institutions and a more humane and loving world.



