CSQ Monthly Online Open Forums

CSQ is hosting a monthly Online Open Forum via Zoom for CSQ members to gather and share ideas with each other on the 1st Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm – 9:00 pmish PT (BC Time Zone).


The monthly online Open Forums sometimes have invited guest speaker(s) that provide a presentation that is related to the monthly topic.  The topic is based on consensus at the previous Open Forum, some of the recent themes have included:

  • Animal encounters of all kinds
  • Past lives, regressions, and ancestral connections, even soul group re-incarnations
  • UFOs & ET sightings & experiences
  • Dreams & dream time


The CSQ President emails out a reminder and the Zoom link to the monthly online Open Forum a few days prior to the event.


All CSQ members are welcome to attend and to participate with your ideas, your perspectives and your experience. We all learn by sharing; in fact, this is the basis of CSQ.


Our mission statement is: To preserve, practice and share dowsing and ancient wisdoms for the wellness of all. In these uncertain times of monumental transition for the human species, this statement of purpose implores us to retain what has value and to willfully share it with others for the empowerment and evolution of us all.


To participate in the CSQ Open Forum and receive the monthly email out with the Zoom link, please register to be a CSQ member and/or renew your annual membership if it has expired: (click here to do so now)

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