2020 Clear Vision Fall Conference

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This year the Fall Conference is free to all Members and is being held online.

For over 40 years, Questers has sponsored annual 3 day conferences with exhibitors, workshops and presenters. Consider attending as a guest or member to mix and mingle with like minded people on personal quests to empower themselves with experience and knowledge.

Questers’ annual Fall Conference will be streamed virtually this fall over a series of zoom presentations and offered free to all members. Join now to receive your invitation and links to each session! Hear from Hon. Paul Hellyer, renowned Solomon channeller Stephanie Banks, New Energy author and lecturer Jeanne Manning, dowsing experts and more.

2020 Clear Vision schedule and speaker information:

41st Annual CSQ Fall Conference Schedule

Saturday September 19th 10am pst Hon. Paul Hellyer – Broader Reality

Tuesday September 29th   7pm pst Sahara Exodus – Dream a Better World

Tuesday October 6th   7pm pst Greg Webb – Muscle Monitoring

Tuesday October 13th   7pm pst Stephanie Banks – Times Are Changing

Tuesday October 20th   7pm pst Vlatsy Senovsky – Dowsing

Tuesday October 27th   7pm pst Questers Open Forum for Future Direction

Tuesday November 3rd   7pm pst Jeane Manning – New Energy

Saturday November 7th 10am pst Christopher Tims – The Tipping Point

All members will be emailed a unique zoom.us pass code for each talk from [email protected] 

You will have the opportunity to ask questions via the chat. Our president Jacquelyn Rose will host each presentation. She will field questions to the speaker periodically throughout their presentations. All presentations will be recorded and a replay link will be emailed to members. 

Anyone with an inquiring mind and tolerance for differing perspectives is welcome to join the Canadian Society of Questers. This years’ online fall conference is free for all members. 

The Questers Open Forum is an opportunity for members to speak, to share ideas and opinions that will help further the objectives of the Society.

The Canadian Society of Questers is a vibrant global society that preserves, practices and shares dowsing and ancient wisdoms for the wellness of all. 


Paul Hellyer

Paul Hellyer

Paul Hellyer, our keynote speaker this year, is one of Canada’s best known and most controversial politicians. First elected in 1949, he was the youngest cabinet minister appointed to Louis S. St. Laurent’s government eight years later. He subsequently held senior posts in the governments of Lester B. Pearson and Pierre E. Trudeau, who defeated him for the Liberal Party leadership in 1968. The following year, after achieving the rank of senior minister, which was later designated Deputy Prime Minister, Hellyer resigned from the Trudeau cabinet on a question of principle related to housing.

Although Hellyer is best known for the unification of the Canadian Armed Forces and for his 1968 chairmanship of the Task Force on Housing and Urban Development, he has maintained a life-long interest in macroeconomics. Through the years, as a journalist and political commentator, he has continued to fight for economic reforms and has written several books on the subject.


The Keynote Address:

My story begins 15 years ago when a young bilingual chap from Ottawa provided me with convincing evidence that UFOs are real, and that sentient beings from other planets and star systems had been visiting earth.  This information was confirmed by a retired U.S. 

Air Force general who told me that there had been face to face meetings between U.S. officials and visitors from space.  I have been researching the ‘Broader Reality’ as I call it, ever since.

Everything I have learned has been interesting, but some of it has been disquieting.  Nearly all of the visiting species are benign.  The one major exception has been assisting the U.S. to build a space capability allegedly to be used to impose a new world order including a fascist government of and by a small elite group.  Part of the plan is a massive reduction in the population of our planet.  If the U.S. patriots do not take back controls of their country from the Cabal, as it is called, it will be the end of western civilization as we know it.  If the patriots restore democracy, including control of the banking and financial system, there will be a beautiful new beginning for the world.



Stephanie Banks

Stephanie Banks was born into a family of intuitives who encouraged fostering faith in accepting guidance from within as well as from other realms that surround our own. Prior to her near-death experience, she led a life directed by modern day terms that lacked depth and clarity. Immediately following her encounter with death, her life transformed to that of an awakened soul. Stephanie has now dedicated her life to mastering ancient wisdom and writing candidly about all she learns through this process. Her unfailing connection to the non-physical realm has offered guidance and transformation to all those who seek profound insight into our existence.

Stephanie attended the University of Western Ontario, and is currently enrolled in the master class of spiritual enlightenment. Stephanie lives with her family in British Columbia.



Times are Changing – How to prepare for the next 12 Months

Description: It’s now become obvious that times are most certainly changing. The idea of “normal’ is quickly becoming a thing of the past as we move through the acceleration of this energetic shift. How do we best prepare ourselves and what’s in store for our future?

Join Stephanie Banks for an afternoon of channelling as she shares the wisdom of her spiritual guides and teachers. Ask your own unique questions directly to her most prominent non-physical advisor, Solomon. Solomon has been talking about these times for the past many years and encouraging us all in the most loving and supportive ways. Now more than ever, it is imperative that we strengthen our connections to our higher selves, our guides and our teachers who support our spiritual growth on an energetic level.

Stephanie has been channeling Solomon since her near death experience in 2012 where she crashed into a rock wall and fell into a gully while mountain biking in Whistler BC. Since then, her unfailing and authentic connection to the non-physical realm has been providing guidance to many worldwide.

Stephanie is excited to be offering a question and answer style channelling session this September at the Akashic Ranch. Don’t miss your opportunity to experience the wisdom of Solomon along with Stephanie’s sense of humor and down to earth approach to the esoteric aspect of life!



Jeane Manning

Jeane Manning

Jeane Manning is a BC-based author who chose an unusual quest—find out what ‘free energy’ breakthroughs mean for our future. Thirty-some years ago she approached the new energy inventions with skepticism. Their implications for cleaning up Earth and freeing the people drew her deeper into investigating. She interviews scientists and engineers, economists and futurists, and asks the questions you would want to ask. Jeane has been a guest speaker at energy technology conferences in five countries. Her latest book, Hidden Energy, was praised by physicist Elizabeth A. Rauscher for giving hope and for “incorporating the spiritual nature of reality.”



Jeane Manning will update you on what we, the people, need to know about revolutionary clean-energy technology. Using plain language (you don’t need to be a techie to understand), she will introduce the “free energy” scene internationally, the variety of breakthrough inventions, how innovators are collaborating to learn how to work harmoniously with nature, and what you can do to help. She says solving humankind’s big problems requires spiritual awareness. Jeane meets people in many sectors who are turning in that direction. She cites a famous anthropologist who observed that a small number of people can change the world.  



Greg Webb

Greg Webb

Greg Webb, Registered Massage Therapist, in practice since 1992, is certified to instruct over 20 workshops in muscle monitoring sciences. Board member of Canadian Association of BioEnergetic wellness since 1998. www.canbewell.org Has taught at Kinesiology and Massage Association conferences in Canada and was keynote speaker at the world’s first international conference on Ear Candling held in England in 2006 where he shared many years of detailed clinic treatment research on this ancient modality and its numerous effects on the human body.

Greg has been using Touch for Health muscle monitoring in his massage therapy practice since 1992 (over 100 certificates of training). He is considered a master level wellness practitioner, having extensive experience in helping people from all walks of life with a wide range of body-mind conditions, aches and pains. His unique and extensive skill set enables him to succeed far beyond what commonly applied massage techniques can approach, including issues such as; digestive, neurological, musculo-skeletal, endocrine, emotional and energetic aspects.

Contact info:



Calgary AB


Muscle Monitoring for Self and Others. Personalize Nutrition. Enhance Vitality. Calm Polyvagal Stress 

The sciences of Dowsing and Muscle Monitoring complement each other very well. Muscle monitoring can be a great tool for personal or family health or an invaluable addition to any clinic practice. Muscle monitoring has been the launch pad for countless careers as well as a clinic and personal exploration tool for millions of people. I look forward to introducing you to this window on our world.

If possible, bring a friend to join you for this class so you can be guided in how to muscle test others as well 

What you will learn:

  • Simple secrets to improve testing accuracy that most people miss (acts as a brain tune up too)
  • How to muscle monitor yourself and others
  • How to check foods and supplements. Personalize your nutrition vs Buy Try and Hope!
  • Easy to use self help techniques for enhanced health and vitality by improving lymphatic drainage to organs, glands and muscles
  • Polyvagal Emotional Stress Release for key emotional centers of the mind and body
  • PLUS: A Free Download of the above topics and a detailed manual from Calgary Dowsers Jan 2020 Dowsers Monthly Meeting. www.calgarydowsers.com 



Sahara Exodus

Sahara Exodus

Sahara Exodus is an ordained Shamanic Priestess specializing in loving and compassionate services for the heart, soul, mind and body. Her quest is to harmonize beauty and the beast within and without, through acceptance and trans-personal love.

For twenty-five years, Sahara has offered intuitive readings to corporate gatherings, high schools, various special events, and counseling in private sessions. Currently she is available for online consultations through Zoom or Skype.

1) Spiritual Experience Process ~ Deciphering and processing your visions, dreams, insights, meditations, prayers, coincidences, existential insights, intense emotions, synchronicity and near death experiences.

2) Conscious Rebel Mentoring ~ For Activists, Healers, Artists and Inventors! Get support for your vision or current project to help bring in a paradigm shift for this ‘Great Awakening’.   

Priestess Sahara creates Youtube Videos in her spare time, to offer inspiration. Please join her newsletter for updates!

Sahara is passionate about examining harmony to help heal the imbalance in our world. She celebrates the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine and is a shamanic guide to experience life force energy through Divine Grace.



It’s Time to Dream a Better World

So much goodness can manifest when we gather together live in a group. Can you feel it already? I can. Together we can heal our inner and outer world.

To move forward to a brighter future, we need to face our shadow and collective’s dark-side. It is a death to the old self and then a rebirth to something better. 

Humanity is simultaneously being transformed as we speak. After a complete cycle of the ages, we are currently living in the GREAT YEAR. So this BIG SHIFT is upon us right now!

It is time to release attachments and expectations, and to connect to the Divine Plan with the many changes ahead. Do you want your freedoms and rights to be diminished? Or, would you prefer an outcome of respect, liberty, health and abundance?

Together we can make a difference by uniting our energies. Let’s keep the FAITH alive!

Featuring a few Power Exercises:

Affirmation Statement

Guided Meditation

Toning: Healing thru singing sounds

…And more!



Vlasty Senovsky
Vlasty Senovsky came across dowsing for the first time in his native country of Czechoslovakia in 1976.
After coming to Canada in 1980 he went through a number of personal and professional metamorphosis finally establishing his career as a landscape designer and gardener. In a parallel direction he started developing his dormant dowsing abilities of detecting dangerous earth radiations.
Vlasty’s knowledge is based mainly on literature published in Europe. He continues studying extensively about geopathic and electromagnetic energies with their multiple ramifications. Gradually he became acquainted with the consequences caused by exposure to these energies both at mental and physical level. Vlasty is active as a writer, lecturer and consultant on the field of geopathic and electromagnetic energies. He resides in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Vlasty will speak about dowsing and demonstrate some of his unique techniques.
He concentrates on detecting, analyzing and harmonizing geopathic stress zones and their impact on human psyche and physical health.
He will make an effort to mention many aspects of dowsing and try to define the benefits and possible negative side effects – the spectrum of what it might offer to those interested in.
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