Expanding The Framework of Dowsing
Too often dowsers are unable to ask the correct question to get an answer. Master Dowsers can get answers in some sort of larger framework they know intuitively. Master Dowsers can reach to the stars and get their questions answered. We have all heard that the speed of thought is faster than the speed of light. Robert Monroe in his journeys out of the body was able to travel to other star systems instantaneously. Monroe going into even higher densities was able to travel through time. The human body and consciousness functions in a multitude of densities and has access to even higher densities. Simply knowing the densities are accessible allows us to tune into them.
The point of this essay is to flush The Theory of Relativity and the limitation of the speed of light down the toilet and reinstate the concept of Aether or many different densities of Aethers as the mediums through which light propagates.
Physical light propagates on fourth density aether at speeds that are near instantaneous on the globe of the earth. Light bouncing off the moon and returning to earth takes about half a second. As the aether does move the time delay can vary slightly.
Astral material is of the fourth density, and it has form. It is composed of electrons, protons, and neutrons far larger than their physical counterparts. Dowsing the astral electrons, protons, and neutrons are 3000 diameters larger. Astral light propagates on fifth density aether. Dowsing astral light near instantaneous (less than one second) to stars about 40 light years away.
Most psychics tell us to avoid the lower astral realms as there are negative entities there. Raymon Grace in his training sessions says to tune in as high as one can. At least aim for the fifth density. The light of the material in the fifth density propagates instantaneously to stars about 75,000 lightyears away.
The light of the material of the sixth density propagates instantaneously to stars about 2,000,000 lightyears away. That is the distance to the Andromeda galaxy.
The light of the material of the seventh density propagates instantaneously to stars about 15 billion lightyears away. Dowsing, the diameter of this universe is over 100 billion lightyears.
The light of the material of the eighth density propagates instantaneously to stars over a trillion lightyears away which is far larger than our universe. Dowsing, I get there are trillions of universes.
As Above, So Below. Once a dowser is comfortable in the higher densities there is no limits on the answers he or she can receive.