Category: Dowsing

  • June 30, 2024, Raymon Grace Newsletter

    June 30 Newsletter Raymon Grace Foundation <> Sun, Jun 30, 5:55 PM (19 hours ago) to me  A Note From AprilHello Friends,As time goes on and I am taking on more tasks I am in turn receiving more emails. I wanted to make a quick note. While I try my best to respond quickly I am not at my…

  • Raymon Grace May 2024 Newsletter

    1 of 9,028 May Newsletter Raymon Grace Foundation <> 7:11 AM (2 hours ago)   A Note From Raymon Howdy FolksSome people make things happen. Some watch things happen and some wonder what happened. Here is a story of a fiend who made something happen.This man was in class and it was obvious he came to learn. He sent this email to me…

  • May 1, 2024, Raymon Grace Newsletter

    Raymon Grace Foundation <>  FREE TALKRaymon has invited to be a speaker at International Dowsing Day May 5 at 3 PM Eastern time’There will be 4 speakers and each has 10 minutes.The topic is ‘What you can do with dowsing’There is no charge and no preregistration needed for people to attend. They just need to tune into the Facebook page at the 3…

  • Raymon Grace April Newsletter

    Raymon Grace Foundation <> 6:36 AM (10 hours ago) to me   A NOTE FROM APRILHello Friends,Yet again it has been busy …. hence this March newsletter coming out in April. Exciting news… we do have two more class dates available now. Please see the class calendar below. Make sure you are emailing me for information and registration. Please…

  • Referral Request For Energy Dowser

    Re: Referral request DK D Kurvers <>To: Fri 10/6/2023 9:22 PM Hi Glen! Yes, Those ol’ dowsers kept to themselves some of them did.  It’s hard to explain to people so I don’t blame them! He also mentioned Cliff.  I believe he lived on the Island as well  Please place my request on the blog. He…

  • Susan Collins Upcoming Events in Spring

    Happy almost Spring! Susan via  Sun, Mar 3, 7:01 AM (3 days ago) to me Happy almost Spring!2024 is shaping up with live and Zoom events. I hope you can tune in for some of it! Check out our presenters for International Dowsing Day on May 5th, and please enjoy a short forest bathing video of the snow melting in…

  • Raymon Grace February Newsletter

    February Newsletter Raymon Grace Foundation <> Mar 4, 2024, 7:25 AM (2 days ago) to me   A Note From AprilHello Friends,Please excuse this newsletter being a few days late… it’s been a busy month.Thank you to everyone who has registered for classes. March, April and May are full but we just added a June 15-16 class. We will…

  • Raymon Grace January Newsletter

    January Newsletter Raymon Grace Foundation <> 10:23 AM (1 hour ago) to me  A Note From AprilHello Friends,I want to thank you again for those of you who donated to my dance studio renovation! I put a video on the go fund me page but I’ve included the before and after below… this is also where Raymon’s classes…

  • November Raymon Grace Newsletter

    1 of 7,917 Print all In new window November Newsletter Inbox Search for all messages with label Inbox Remove label Inbox from this conversation Raymon Grace Foundation via  4:31 PM (1 hour ago) to me  A Note From AprilHello friends,I hope you are all having a wonderful start to the holiday season, whichever holiday you choose to celebrate. This month’s…

  • Raymon Grace Newsletter October 2023

    16 of 7,704 Print allIn new windowOctober NewsletterInboxSearch for all messages with label InboxRemove label Inbox from this conversationRaymon Grace Foundation via Thu, Oct 26, 11:03 AM (4 days ago)to me   A Note From AprilHello Friends,Raymon will possibly be offering one more class this year in Abingdon, VA. I will be taking over the registration duties. The potential class is December 2-3. This will…

  • Looking for a Dowser who identifies earth radiations

    D Kurvers <>To: Wed 10/4/2023 6:41 PM Hello, Could you point me to someone who specializes in the dowsing / questing for earth radiation and health related matters on properties? My father Luke Kurvers was a dowser / quester.  Perhaps you may have hear of him?  He lived on Little White Lake for many years outside…

  • Raymon Grace September 2023 Newsletter

    16 of 7,420 Print allIn new windowSeptember NewsletterInboxSearch for all messages with label InboxRemove label Inbox from this conversationRaymon Grace Foundation via Fri, Sep 15, 6:34 AM (3 days ago)to me A Note From RaymonHowdy Folks.As you know, I use the quote, ‘Energy Follows Thought’ quite often. This month am sending you two videos of how it works.Honey bees have a lot of intelligence and can…

  • Dr. Michael Persinger: No More Secrets Video

    This is really important for dowsers:  NO MORE SECRETS Dr. Michael Persinger in 2011 in Laurentian University Sudbury Ontario lectures on thought transference and a simple machine that increases the accuracy of telepathy. This was developed with Ingo Swann and other people who worked on Remote Viewing in 1971 at Stanford Research Institute for the…

  • Raymon Grace Newsletter

    Raymon Grace sends out Quarterly Newsletters. You too can subscribe.   On Thu, May 25, 2023 at 7:14 AM Raymon Grace Foundation <> wrote:   A Note From Raymon Howdy Folks, Am continually looking for useful information to share with you and some of this information comes from friends and their successes. My friend Warren…

  • Today Susan Collins Dowsing Day

      Get some dowsing tips! Join us on the International Dowsing Day Facebook page on May 7 for some practical dowsing tips. Details below. Virtual hugs, Susan Online Events (details below) May 7International Dowsing Day June 3/4Water Masterclass: Everything Has Consciousness June 14House Healing – Dowsing for Feng Shui & Space Clearing Bonus video: The…

  • British Society of Dowsers is having Zoom Masterclasses

    Thank You Brenda for sending this to Glen —– Forwarded message —– Sent: Monday, 13 March 2023 at 09:40:39 GMT-7 Subject: Invitation To Be A Zoom Speaker   Invitation To Become A Zoom Speaker  Dear Fellow Dowser Would you be prepared to give a Zoom talk for a great cause? As part of our ongoing commitment to improve its…

  • Susan Collins Bargain Basement

    From: Susan Collins Personal Management Consultant Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 7:50 AM To: Subject: Basement Bargains Workshop rentals ending, more books on Amazon Ready for the Season? Basement Bargains Order books from my website for 25-50% off while supplies last Workshop Rentals Ending ALL my workshops are available to rent on Vimeo, and…

  • Are Blind Springs the Source of Artesian Aquafers?

    Dowsers have found Blind Springs under the entrances and altars of the cathedrals of Europe and many sacred places around the world. A Blind Spring is literally an underground fountain arising from an unknown source. There are no apparent underground streams feeding a Blind Spring and often the water rises to the surface like an…

  • Susan Collins Books and Videos

    Forest Bathing video Can you imagine Forest Bathing? Being in Nature is healthy for everyone. “Forest bathing” is a special treat. Check out my short video below for a look at Fall in Ontario. And if you can, take a walk on the wild side in your area. All my print books ordered from my…

  • Blue Columns of Light at Fall Conference

      At the 2022 Fall Conference at Riverside Community Hall in Ashton Creek BC, Cory G near midnight September 17/18, saw columns of blue light moving about the large field between the hall and the Shuswap River to the south. She described seeing one column in one position then it moved, and another column appeared…