November 1 2018 and Time To Clean Up Your Mess


November arrives to remind us that there are 54 days until Christmas.  And, it is a good month to clean up your “mess”. A mess is anything that is not in order or that is unresolved. Some say that a “mess” as any incomplete task, obligation, or other unresolved commitment. A room that needs cleaning is a good example of a mess  because the room is not in order.  We all have messes in our lives that need attention.  Here are some examples that might resonate for you.

  1. Do you need to clean out closets and drawers?
  2. Have you made a will and power of attorney request?
  3. When was your last dental and physical checkup?
  4. Does your car need servicing and winter tires?
  5. Have you outlined clear and meaningful goals to guide your decision-making or are you flying by the seat of your pants?
  6. Have you balanced your bank account and made a plan for your financial future?
  7. Do you need to start an exercise plan?  Have you found a gym?
  8. Are you in need of a new eating plan?
  9. When did you last clean out your home office or your spare room or even your garage?
  10. Is it time to start down sizing?

Feel free to add to the list.  Many writers have described that a physical mess in our environment causes us undo mental stress.  If we have too many messes and stresses, then we often go into overload and we crash.   If humans crash, it shows up as depression, anxiety, and dysfunctional relationships as well as mental illness. Our decision making may become irrational causing further “messes”.

Do not try to do everything at once.  Take one item, and decide what you want to do with it, and then schedule it on your calendar, like any other appointment, and get it done.

You will feel so much better!




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2 Responses to “November 1 2018 and Time To Clean Up Your Mess”

  1. Michael Strauch Avatar
    Michael Strauch

    This is a test

    1. Serah Roer

      Looks like a good one. Thanks Michael.
      Love Serah