Ozark Research Institute Using Zoom in Lieu Conferences

From Journal of Ozark Research Institute

Volume 25, No. 4

Winter 2020


At Home With ORI

By Gladys McCoy


Hope you manage to get on the virtual conference on October 17th & 18th! It was great. We have over 4,000 people who watched the recorded messages so far. It ran until Nov. 18th on our YouTube site (a few are still available to watch there). “20 minutes of Love, speakers truly were able to touch the hearts and spirits of people with peace, love, kindness, and learning.


It was a lot of work to put it together, thanks to Joyce McCoy, Rose Chen and Rebecca Buchanan for all they did, and of course the speakers for their desire to be of service to others; Raymon Grace, Gladys McCoy, Alicja Aratyn, Patti Conklin, Shelly Wilson, Billie Topa Tate, Zabe Barnes, Alan Miller, Dodie Hunter, Adhi Two Owls, Twink Miller, Jodi Jenks, Kay Jones, Susan Shumsky, John Two Hawks, Bonnie O’Boyle, Melinda Iverson Inn, Kathleen Shannon O’Brien Hale, Jeanne Gehringer and from the other side Harold McCoy and Delores Cannon. We are blessed thatthey are willing to be a part of the Ozark Research Institute’s Mission. They truly are dedicated to making a positive difference in our world.


We received many new members and donations which really helped because we were unable to have the April Convention and the September School this year, which is how we raise the operational costs of the organization.


We are planning on having the convention on April 16-19 2021. Some of the virtual conference speakers may join us. They will have 90-minute talks in April. Stay tuned and we will get that information out soon.


If I can say something good came from COVID-19 shut down, I would say- the Tuesday night healing meditation circle going to Zoom has been a wonderful blessing. So many people have been able to join us who would never have had the opportunity to attend in any other way. We have had large groups in the 70s and almost always at least in the 40s. You can actually feel the energy that is created during the meditation. We plan to continue the Zoom meetings even after we start having them at the office again, we miss everyone so much and all those good hugs we got, and we will do it again! (If you’d like to join us via Zoom, all the information is on our website calendar page.)


2021 is just around the corner and I have great hopes that the whole year will be the most wonderful we can ever remember experiencing. Keep the thoughts of peace, love, hope, harmony, kindness, joy, and acceptance of others for who they are in your mind and heart.


Last time I wrote about how years ago some of us at ORI had put energy out to kill a bacterium and were not successful, but we did manage to slow the growth and prevent multiplying. A member sent me this message; she said she had started sending out God’s love and reminding the virus that it needs to change to something good and that it should move on. I think that is the way to go because we all know, that “Love always works.” Thanks for the reminder Jean. Another member contributed this: “The people involved with ORI are older souls, and as such would not be comfortable directing negative energy. So directing thoughts of healing to those affected; and directing energy to COVID-19 that it be beneficial would be easier for us.” Thanks Guy.


I talked to the lady who is organizing the Flagstaff, Arizona dowsing conference for 2021. October 7th is the basic & advanced school, October 8th – 10th is the conference. On the 11th you will have your choice of 6 half day workshops, and then on the 12th there will be a field trip to the Sedona vortex. It will be at the Little America Hotel, and I will be the keynote speaker. Would love to look out and see some of your smiling, loving, supportive faces in the audience. Put it on your calendar.


Flagstaff is an awesome place. I feel so at home there. It is one of those places that feels so familiar, it feels like a part of me! Have you ever experienced a place like that? (I may have been there in other lifetime.)


Sending you all, lots of love and hugs!


Hope to see you next year, here or in Flagstaff.


Blessings Gladys



