Howdy Folks
Have been asked to share some dowsing information with you.
First, if you are going to be accurate with dowsing~YOU HAVE TO PRACTICE
If doesn’t matter how many classes you attend, videos you watch and books you read~~ YOU STILL HAVE TO PRACTICE IF YOU ARE GOING TO ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING.
You need some help to practice? Here are some suggestions.
Dowse to determine the food value of any food or drink you are considering.
Don’t ask if it is good for you . Ask the effect of on your body. Use my dowsing chart for this.
If you don’t have a dowsing chart~~pretend you do.I don’t carry a dowsing chart in my pocket.
Dowse which time to go grocery shopping ~~ morning or afternoon ~~Time makes a difference.
Dowse the result of attending any event. Use the percentage scale of 1 to 100%.
Dowse your compatibility with people BEFORE associating with them.
Dowse to choose the safest route of travel.~to wherever you are going.
You also need to learn to read a dowsing chart. I have made a video to help you and you can get a download for $28 at
As for pendulums, you can buy a bullet, metal or stone one from or you can make your own.
DON’T get fooled into believing a more expensive pendulum improves your accuracy.
There are people selling pendulums for $100 – $200 or more. These expensive pendulum are supposed to help you be a better dowser. ITS A LIE.
There are people who will sell you a different pendulum for each type of question. One for yes & no questions, another for dowsing food, another for dowsing medicine, another for relationships and the list goes on.
GET LOGICAL PEOPLE, and save some money.
In an effort to provide dowsing information to you folks living far away from where I teach classes, we are allowing you to rent a 9 hour video filmed in class ~~for the same price you would pay to take the class in person.
This saves you time and travel expense. You have 2 weeks to watch it as much as you like.
You don’t have to buy a plane ticket, rent a hotel room or buy food. You only pay for the class.
Now for those of you who have made various excuses why this is not a good idea for you. I have a suggestion. DON’T RENT IT.
I recently cleared over 40,000 emails from my computer and that wasn’t half of them.
Some were sensible requests from people needing help. Many weren’t. So~ my policy now is~~ if an email isn’t written sensibly and politely~~ it will be deleted.
This includes request to ‘help my bother-in-law’~with no identifying information
Or~~ ‘clean up my neighborhood.’ with no clue where on the planet you are located.
Or~~ ‘my daughter’s boyfriend is abusive’ or they are on drugs.
Or~~’my neighbor’s dog barks or my cat is missing’.
Or~~’stop the violence in the Middle East’. The list never ends.
As best I can, will continue to answer sensible and polite emails.
Raymon |