Susan Collins Dowsing Books on Kindle

Happy Spring!
I have FINALLY started putting my books on Kindle
The first tiltle is
I share my Dowsing Protocol, reveal how to use dowsing tools and charts to increase your accuracy, improve your health and create successful ongoing outcomes. A special chapter on Dowsing and the Bible lists the passages that support this work. It includes messages from various religious leaders who also support dowsing for the good of all people. It is based on the print book.
I’m currently preparing a Kindle version of Dowsing Triage – Finding and Fixing Energy Problems
It should be available by mid-April.
Testimonials for Workshops
“The depth and thoroughness of the investigations you have done in your protocols is a HUGE gift to students. The teaching is so clear and orderly and well-prepared it makes the material easily comprehensible. And you are very caring about your students. It’s a true privilege to take your workshops.”  Betsy, New Jersey, USA
“Thank you for a very informative course yesterday. You covered a vast amount of material in the three hours – It was most helpful and I shall go through the various worksheets again over the next few days to check that I really understand it all.”   Liz, UK
“I love your perspective you are so real and genuine and no nonsense! I love spiritual work that is practical and applicable. The course was exactly the confidence boost I needed to continue practicing and now I know exactly what direction to take.”   Stephanie, California, USA
“This context is EXACTLY what I’ve been looking for. The Zoom lessons are great, you get the interaction with different people (and benefit of their questions) but in the comfort of your own home. I can tell that you love teaching, it’s inspiring.  I feel like I’ve struck gold, thank you very much!   Vanessa, Alberta, Canada 



