Winter Magic


Each winter when the snow comes, I think about how clever Mother Earth is. She works in harmony with the seasons and by October or November, has this graceful white blanket wrapped around her. All of the Mother’s animals, seeds, trees, plants, and water may go dormant through this period of winter. We humans could learn a lot from the “winter magic”. Being dormant from time to time allows us to regenerate – our cells, our thoughts, our beliefs, and our relationships. Sometimes this regeneration is painful to our family and friends. However, as we grow and expand, we are moving in that natural way that Mother Nature intended. We are becoming what we were truly meant to be when that first little seed was germinated. We are growing into our own, unique selves. That is truly magic!

Note: Article reprinted from Angels and Ancestors magazine of November 2006, by permission of the author Roger Joyeux.

Go in peace.



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