Revenge – What Goes Around, Comes Around

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Canadian Society of Quester’s has various chapters throughout Alberta and British Columbia.

Quester’s Chapter Contacts

Wainwright, AB –  Tim and Marlene [email protected]
Qualicum Beach, BC –  Helen Thomas [email protected]
Kelowna, BC –  Mel Chapman [email protected]
Vancouver, BC – Brenda [email protected]
Calgary, AB – Merope [email protected]
Vernon, BC –  Jackie Haverty [email protected]

Revenge – What Goes Around, Comes Around


I have been observing the energetic of the cycle of revenge. This hurt or harm directed at a person or persons, and the retaliation by the victim seems to happen so swiftly. I am thinking about all of the court cases and legal issues that have erupted because of “revenge porn”. defines revenge as:

1. To inflict harm in return for, as an injury, insult, etc.; to exact satisfaction for, under a sense of injury; to avenge; — followed either by the wrong received, or by the person or thing wronged, as the object, or by the reciprocal pronoun as direct object, and a preposition before the wrong done or the wrongdoer.

2. To inflict injury for, in a spiteful, wrong, or malignant spirit; to wreak vengeance for maliciously.

Revenge has been around a long time as this quote shows – “Revenge is a confession of pain” from a Latin proverb. To truly understand the insidious power of revenge, one only needs to look to something that Mahatma Gandhi said, “An eye for an eye would make the whole world blind.”  It seems, however, that the people caught up in the cycle loose sight of the big picture.  Revenge is actually quite a selfish act.

My friend, Leslie, sent me the writing below.  I believe this sums up the whole problem of revenge quite succinctly.

May each of your days be filled with tranquility.

Excerpted from: Is Revenge Spiritual

It can be a vicious circle. What you give out comes right back to you.  But it can also be a wonderful circle.
What you give out comes right back to you. The choice is ultimately ours.
What we choose to hand out to others, whether it be a loving eye or a revengeful one, is what we will receive in return.
If we seek inner peace as well as outer peace, we must first “give” what we desire to receive.
If we desire love, we must give love.
If we desire prosperity, we must share prosperity.
If we desire freedom, we must allow freedom.
If we want a life full of joy and laughter, we must share joy and laughter.
If we want a life of peace, we must start within our own self, and watch it come back a thousand-fold.
Thus perhaps “an eye for an eye” and “love thy neighbor as thyself” are the same teaching.
They are actually based in what we have discovered in modern physics: What goes around comes around.
   – Nothing is ever destroyed.
   – There is a cause for every effect.
Which cause will we choose?
Which effect do we desire?
These are questions that we must answer in every moment of our lives — in every thought, every word, every action (or inaction) we take.

~ Quote: Marie T. Russell ~

AUTHOR – Judith Hirst has been writing spiritual and technical blogs for the last thirteen years. She is a non-traditional shaman who has studied with shaman teachers from different lineages. As well, she has studied and uses Dowsing, Body Talk, EFT, Reiki, Quantum Touch, Hypnotherapy, Angel Karma Techniques, Angel Therapy, and has taught Star Talker Training classes. She is a seer and medium.  Judith joined Questers in 2007, and now serves on the Board as secretary and blog master.



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