Anick Bourbonniere

Anick Bourbonniere -has the ability to connect and to channel the higher vibrational realms. She developed this ability to transmit the energies of the worlds of light and multidimensional wisdom with the collaboration of cosmic beings into lives of people. She channels these energies of the New Earth in the form of Light Language.

Light Language is a unique way of communicating on a multidimensional level. It is understood on all frequencies and vibrations of the Infinite Self. Light Language arrives through channeling, carrying specific codes and high vibrations that works with each and every one individually to provide what is appropriate to a particular person on their stage of spiritual evolution: bringing balance, greater wisdom, a powerful shift clearing old energies.

It is a multi-layered stream of information that originates with beings in high frequency realms and the divine aspect available to a channeler. Anick in particular channels Light Language of a galactic origin, collaborating with the realms known as Cosmic Consciousness and Blue Beings.

Anick will be speaking and offering a workshop at our upcoming Spring Conference in 2019. For more information, visit our Conference Page.



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