Sharing Your Stories


Years ago in Winnipeg, I was lucky enough to get tickets to hear Iyanla Vanzant speak about her experiences, and about writing her first several books.

One of the topics in her sharing story was about storytelling, and why it is important to share our stories because they provide reference for others and, often, they provide healing.  The poster above share one of her quotes about storytelling.

When I read it, I remembered why the publicity committee wanted to have a blog on the Canadian Society of Questers website.  It was so that all members and participants at conferences and guest speakers, and guests, could share their stories.

This month, we are starting the sharing of stories.  I have asked the Questers Board members to share a story about Christmas or about what ever.  While I can’t say the stories have poured in – it is Christmas season and we are all busy – some stories are hitting my in box and I will be sharing them over the next month.

For those members, guests, or associates of Questers, I am happy to share your story if you will send it to me at

For those of you that would like to read more about Iyanla Vanzant, you can check out her website

For those of you that have read her books or if you have heard her speak or taken Iyanla’s workshops, we would love to post your book review or workshop review. 

And now, it is time to close off this posting.  As always,

Go in Peace.

