Category: Happy
My Experience with "I am Abundant" Spray by Vibemamas
We Questers were lucky to have Cindi Johnston as one of our speakers at the Spring Conference in Red Deer. Cindi shifted the energy for many of us with her honest discussion of her experiences, and with her mystical meditation. Cindi had a booth in the market area. One of the products that she was…
Happy Easter 2018
Happy Easter from everyone at Canadian Society of Questers.
Spring Equinox March 20 2018 Message
This spring equinox is about rejuvenation of the self. What this means is, concentrate on your own healing, wisdom, learning, growth, and experience. Let others concentrate on their own journey. Offering unsolicited advice, driving and controlling others, and manipulating those around you, will lead to illness very quickly. This brings to mind the affirmations that…
Merry Christmas 2017!
Merry Christmas to you and your family from all of us at Canadian Society of Questers ( Our wish for everyone this year is that your Christmas is filled with lots of fun and laughter. We hope that you let go of all grievances and resentments, and that you begin a new relationship with yourself…
Christmas – Divinity is our Nature
The beautiful offering of thanks was sent to me by several friends in different emails. I love the simplicity of the message and the beauty of the structure that reflects the Divinity within us. Go in Peace.
Christmas Thoughts – Winter and Creativity
Winter north of the 50th parallel is usually cold and very snowy. The effect of the snow and cold is to keep people more at home then out and about. When we are more still, that is, not caught up in going here and there and doing “busy” things, then we have time to expand…
Christmas Thoughts – Reflection
The Angels tell us that the next several weeks is a good space of time to reflect. They even suggest that we make a list of all the important things in our life. Then make a list of the nice-to-have things. And finally, make a list of the things that are not important. When you…
Do The Things You Want To Do
We are born into our family, and with them, we create memories. As we move beyond our family, we choose our friends (or maybe they choose us) and we create more memories. Yet, there are many things that we don’t do with friends or family. We put them off. We think that we can do…
Let Go of Your Unhappiness
Discussions and debates about how to be happy have been topics of conversation for centuries. Believing that unhappiness is self inflicted seems to be the sentiment that rules concepts of unhappiness. However, the poster above resonates as being the most correct assessment of happy/unhappy. Being unhappy is negative. Negativity is not intelligent. It is so…