Category: Letting Go
Dowsing is Talking to the Universe
What a beautiful thought! Dowsing lets us talk to the Universe in a timeless way. In the comment section, tell your story of how you use dowsing to communicate with the All. Go in peace.
Approve of Yourself
Back in June, a friend sent me an email with this piece of advice in it. I read it and thought, “This is true! We have lived all of our early lives with criticism at home and at school and so we learned to criticize our self.” I thought it would be a fun experiment…
Just For Today, I Will….
Here are all the phrases people use to talk about their relationship with time. Life is going by so quickly. If only I had time, I would…. That will have to wait I am so busy, I don’t have time to… Because people are so caught up in the concept of time and the limits…
About Perfection
Somewhere in our lives, the idea of being perfect was drummed into us. This may have happened at home or at school. The concept of perfection is a truly human idea. Nature sees everything as perfect. When we go with the flow, and let things happen, we can see that the truth of what happens…
Let Go of Your Unhappiness
Discussions and debates about how to be happy have been topics of conversation for centuries. Believing that unhappiness is self inflicted seems to be the sentiment that rules concepts of unhappiness. However, the poster above resonates as being the most correct assessment of happy/unhappy. Being unhappy is negative. Negativity is not intelligent. It is so…