Category: Love

  • Heart Centred

    With the COVID-19 outbreak most are at home waiting for the virus to burn out. It has been a time of stress but also a time when people can relax. Just turn off the news. Dowsing I get that the news is about 65% accurate. Dowsing I get that we will be at home a…

  • Summer Solstice June 21 2019

    Summer Solstice Sun at Stonehenge The year moves swiftly!   It is time to honor the longest day of the Sun. Summer Solstice 2019 in Northern Hemisphere will be at 9:54 a.m. on Friday June 21, Mountain Time.  How will you celebrate the longest day? The summer solstice is associated with change, fresh starts, and with…

  • A Morning Prayer for All

    The following prayer comes from writer Deng Ming-Dao. From Wikipedia – About Author –  Deng Ming-Dao (born 1954, San Francisco) is a Chinese American author, artist, philosopher, teacher and martial artist. Deng is his family name; Ming-Dao is his given name. From a young age, he studied Taoist internal arts such as Qigong and Kung-Fu. …

  • A Life Based On Conditions

    A while ago, one of my friends sent me the following story in an email.  The story moved me so much, and made me also think about all the clients that I have worked with over the  years who live their life based on “when” and ‘if”.  These folks miss so much because they are…

  • About Sweetgrass

    Hierochloe odorata  – Sweet grass  at Chief Whitecap Park, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada by SriMesh, used with permission under GNU Free Documentation License Sweetgrass is a very aromatic grass – some call it herb – that grows in Europe and parts of North America.  Our Ancestors believed that the Sweetgrass plant was the first plant to…

  • To Be Filled With Joy!

    How do you become filled with joy when you feel like the bottom has dropped out of your life?  The answer is simple and complicated at the same time.  It is about finding a place to start… a place to take a simple step.  For me, that simple step is usually to go through the…

  • Our Expectations Cause Problems

    I have four friends tell me that I expect too much of them.  This makes me laugh because I expect them to be exactly as they are… imperfect humans.  I realize that they have an expectation that they must be at their best when they are around me.  I am not sure where that expectation…

  • Why Do We Hurry?

    “Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.” – Saint Francis de Sales Picture from Do you remember the story of the tortoise and the hare?  They had a race, and even though…

  • Spring Equinox 2019

    The Spring Equinox 2019 is on Wednesday, March 20, 2019.  An equinox is the moment in time (not a day-long event) when the Sun stands directly above the equator and day and night are of approximately equal length. In the twenty-first century, people are not in harmony with the earth, the seasons, and the shifting…

  • A Line In The Sand or Co-creation?

    Hello Questers!  If you have a story to share or an idea for a blog or a series of blog posts, I would love to hear it.  Please send your ideas to me at  Or, send your idea to  A Line In The Sand or Co-creation? This picture is from an email that…

  • Silhouette

    Silhouette “Silhouette of an oak tree in early spring 2008” Copyright March 2008 by Judith Hirst I was flipping through some pictures and I found this picture that I’d taken in the early spring.  The silhouette of the tree against the sky and the bleakness around it makes the tree seem dead.  Yet, it is…

  • Happy Valentine’s Day 2019

    At Questers, we believe the world needs more love!  Enjoy this Valentine’s Day and spread the love! Happy Valentine’s Day 2019 “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” ~ Charles M. Schulz “He is more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine…

  • Spirit Animal – Horse

    Send your ideas for blog postings and your comments about different blogs to Judith at, and I will post them on the blog.  Picture from Wild Horses of Alberta Society When I was born, my Dad was still using horses to pull the hay rake, haul the rack of bales to the barn, and …

  • Working on Who You Are

    We often have a preconceived idea of who we are.  It comes from how our family treats us and how the world outside the family treats us.  Soon, it becomes our identity.  Many times, it is a false identity.  When people tell us who we are, or tell us what we think and what we…

  • Energy – Love Force

    When you think of all of the hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, snow and ice storms, monsoons, and volcanoes, do you feel that they are the most powerful force on Earth?  Most people do.  And yet, they are not continuous.  They are sporadic.  They take time to gather energy. Time to build to a crescendo.  And, yes,…

  • Merry Christmas 2018!

    We, at the Canadian Society of Questers, wish each of you the most delightful Christmas.  We wish it to be full of laughter, light, amazing food, little actions that become bright memories, and moments of peace and contentment. Have a wonderful day! Walk in peace.

  • A Great Christmas Story–A Busy Christmas Eve

    Gas station picture by Q. T. Luong A Busy Christmas Eve The old man sat in his gas station on a cold Christmas Eve.  He hadn’t been anywhere in years since his wife had passed away.  He had no decorations, no tree, no lights. It was just another day to him. He didn’t hate Christmas,…

  • Spirit Animal – Caribou, Our Northern Reindeer

    This year, the Caribou have been in the news many times because of the declining herd size.  Caribou are being threatened by man and oil exploration, by disease, by changing food sources, and by the constant surveillance by concerned scientists and wild life managers.  This issue started about 2005, and has been growing.  There are…

  • Ancestors Speak – Tree of Life

    The CHA WAKAN card – Tree of Life, #32, from The Lakota Sweat Lodge Cards by Chief Archie Fire Lame Deer and Helene Sarkis In many traditions, the TREE OF LIFE is recognized – for all people see the tree as having roots buried deep in Mother Earth, and branches reaching up to Great Spirit,…

  • Happy Thanksgiving to our American Members and Friends, Nov 22, 2018

    Thanksgiving is a time of remembering all of the good things that have happened through out the year, and then offering gratitude for all of the blessings. For many, it is a time of sharing food and comfort.  For others, it is about the camaraderie of watching football with family and friends, and sharing food…