More on UFO’s and the Questers Fall Conference Sept 28-30, 2018


Ladies and Gentlemen!  It is time to think about registering for the fall conference to be held at the beautiful Spruce Hill Resort and Spa on the 28th, 29th, and 30th of September.  Read more about the conference and the speakers at

Remember, there is an evening UFO Skywatch (We are planning an evening UFO sky watch, with Michael W. Hall (  Dave Scott will be doing his “Spaced Out Radio” show live Friday night, and Elizabeth Anglin will be doing her “Cosmic Passport” show live Sunday night, from the Spruce Hill Resort.

And, so you can catch up on all that is going on in the UFO world, check out this fantastic site called UFO Sightings Daily  The writer is Scott C. Waring, a teacher, writer, and UFOlogist.   You can read about:

Date of sighting: 7-9-2018
Location of sighting: LAX, USA
This is a fantastic recording of several white craft seen following a passenger jet over LAX. Its amazing at how close UFOs come and how frequently they are seen. This video is going to blow your mind. Absolutely incredible evidence.

Date of sighting: July 18, 2018

Location of sighting: Chongqing, China

This eyewitness caught a UFO over China last week. The UFOs you see in this video are actually just one craft. These glowing lights are part of its propulsion system. Bob Lazar said the smaller craft he worked on in Area S4 inside Area 51 had three main engines that glowed at certain times. Reminds me of the sighting over the Chinese airport years ago that shut down the airport.

Scott Waring’s site is exciting.  However, you may want to check out the UFO sightings in Manitoba, around Brandon, and check out The Loop website which talks about Manitoba being the UFO capital of Canada.  Go Manitoba!

More on Manitoba and UFOs

Charlie Red Star: True Reports of One of North America’s Biggest UFO … Book by Grant Cameron

A wave of UFO sightings struck southern Manitoba in 1975, with possible connections to U.S. missile defense operations. In 1975, Manitobans reported UFOs over their province almost nightly.  (This book is on Amazon.)


Note to readers – websites and news postings change over time so these links may not be reliable in the future. 

Walk in peace!

Editor’s Note:  Tell other Questers about your UFO experiences.  You can put your comments under this blog post, or you can email me at

