• Wakeup: Start with a Purpose

    Note for Readers: The following article is an excerpt from  “Take a Mindful Moment: 5 Simple Practices for Daily Life” by By Parneet Pal, Carley Hauck, Elisha Goldstein, Kyra Bobinet and Cara Bradley | May 10, 2018 from the blog on Mindful.Org.  To read the rest of this article, go to https://www.mindful.org/take-a-mindful-moment-5-simple-practices-for-daily-life/.  Reprinted under the…

  • A Chickadee Visit

    © 2017 S. Roger Joyeux; Used with permission. Every morning, and sometimes in the evening, the dogs and I walk in the provincial park along the Bow River.  When we walk on weekends and evenings, my husband Roger joins us.  And, if we are blessed, we are also joined by one of the wild ones. …

  • What A Wonderful 2018 Spring Conference in Red Deer!

    Well, it’s over and done!  And, it was wonderful!  The conference got off to a fabulous start with MC, Roger Joyeux, who set the emotional theme of the gathering – the theme of love.  He also did a great job of keeping the events on time.  Roger and Jacqui Rose’s  enthusiasm for the Raffle Table…

  • You Still Have time To Register for The Spring Conference May 4 to 6 2018

  • Spirit Animals – Eagle

    Around the world, the Eagle is revered for its majesty, size, fierce look, and for its ability to soar so high. A sports team adopts it as a team name. Countries use it as their symbol. Shaman and warriors have worn its wings and claws to represent their power. In the Inca Tradition, the Eagle/Condor…

  • Counting Down to Questers Spring Conference–11 Days from Today!

  • Flight, Fight, and Prophecy

    Behaviorists tell us that for every action there is a re-action, and then the reaction becomes the action for the next re-action, and so forth. Humans are funny creatures. We are part of the natural order (nature’s order of things). However, for some reason, we believe that we are outside the rules of nature. Therefore,…

  • A Ghost Walk at 108 Mile House

      The Canadian Society of Questers has announced that the 2018 Fall Conference will take place at 108 Mile House in beautiful British Columbia. Our long time member, and Chairperson of the 100 Mile House Questers Chapter, Cory Greaves, is sharing a great story with us about the 108 Mile Heritage Museum Charity Ghost Hunt…


    Saying good-bye to a home or space is an important part of moving forward. It gives us a sense of completion. When we move from one residence to another, we often get so caught up in the forward thrust of where we are going that we forget to properly say good-bye to the home we…

  • Spring Conference in Red Deer May 2018


    Several years ago, I was teaching a  beginner’s meditation class, and as part of the workshop, explained the concept of the word/sound “OM” to the participants. Then we did some experiential learning with the sound, both with only me saying the sound, and then with all of us saying the sound. Students felt the vibration…

  • Home Made Cures For Various Ailments

    HOUSE HOLD ITEMS TO SOLVE HEALTH ISSUES Did you know that drinking two glasses of Gatorade can relieve headache pain almost immediately without the unpleasant side effects caused by traditional pain relievers? Did you know that Colgate Toothpaste makes an excellent salve for burns? Stuffy Nose?  Before you head to the drugstore for a high-priced…

  • Dr. Ken Johnston – Keynote Speaker

    Dr. R. Ken Johnston, Sr, was one of 4 Civilian Astronaut Consultant Pilots from the Apollo Moon Program, is a retired aerospace engineer, former active duty US Marine, and “NASA Whistle Blower.” He refused to strictly follow orders and destroy a nearly-complete collection of 8” x 10” glossy photo-prints from the Apollo program. These photos…

  • The Greatest Wisdom

    The Greatest Wisdom The greatest achievement is selflessness.The greatest worth is self-mastery.The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.The greatest precept is continual awareness.The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.The greatest generosity is non-attachment.The greatest goodness is a peaceful…

  • Details For the Spring Conference in Red Deer May 4–6, 2018

  • Happy Easter 2018

    Happy Easter from everyone at Canadian Society of Questers.

  • A New Sunday Morning Workshop at the Questers Conference in Red Deer, May 4, 5, and 6th!

    We are pleased to announce another Post Conference workshop option scheduled now for Sunday morning, May 6th, with Sue Paulson. 9am -noon. Harnessing the Power of Heaven on Earth. A “Tea with Sue” Workshop.                 Inside each of us is the knowing of Home.                 If you’ve had glimpses or experienced moments of that splendor,…

  • We’d Love To See You at The Spring Questers Conference in Red Deer, May 4, 5, and 6, 2018!

    Fellow Questers, Salutations and Happy Spring! Questers … found… Rising Like the Phoenix will be airing May 4, 5, and 6th in Red Deer Alberta at the Baymont Hotel. We are so excited about this event and happy to announce it…finally! Please note, another event is happening that weekend in Red Deer, and although we…

  • The Story of the Shovel Wiseman

    Over time, “things” come and go from our lives.  However, if you are like me, there are some things that really are hard to let go of.  These “things” have a value as a special gift from a special someone, or as a symbol for something you have endured.  We are hard pressed to part…

  • Pairing Up and Paring Down

    The various astrologers and mystics have been writing about the January 31 2018 Full Moon Eclipse – saying that it is the start of a nineteen (19) year cycle.  The eclipses  are karmic timers that signify a change in fate and destiny.  In this particular 19 year cycle, we will each need to deal with…