Category: Nature
Spirit Animal – Caribou, Our Northern Reindeer
This year, the Caribou have been in the news many times because of the declining herd size. Caribou are being threatened by man and oil exploration, by disease, by changing food sources, and by the constant surveillance by concerned scientists and wild life managers. This issue started about 2005, and has been growing. There are…
Ancestors Speak – Tree of Life
The CHA WAKAN card – Tree of Life, #32, from The Lakota Sweat Lodge Cards by Chief Archie Fire Lame Deer and Helene Sarkis In many traditions, the TREE OF LIFE is recognized – for all people see the tree as having roots buried deep in Mother Earth, and branches reaching up to Great Spirit,…
Spirit Animal–The Message from Pigeon
Pigeons are often regarded as pests. In some cases, they are regarded as a delicacy for eating (squib). Some people revere them for their racing abilities. Most of us think of them as the birds that people feed in the parks and squares in the cities. We seldom think of them as a totem animal…
A Blast From the Past–Einstein Is Right!
Einstein is Right! A survey of the stars using the Hubble Space Telescope has confirmed the accelerating expansion of the universe and Einstein’s ideas about gravity, a team of astronomers said. ……….. The survey, published this week in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, confirmed that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, propelled by…
Welcome to October 2018
Imagine, October was originally the eighth month of the Roman calendar. It always had a length of 31 days and became the tenth month of the year when King Numa Pompilius reformed the calendar and added the months of January and February around 700 BCE. Did you know that October’s birth flower is the calendula…
Invocation That May be Used at Equinox
The fall equinox arrives on Saturday, September 22, 2018. This day is special because it is the second day of the year when day and night are almost equal. Different cultures refer to the Autumn Equinox as “Mabon” – a time to express gratitude, complete projects and honor a moment of balance. The following invocation…
A Happier You by Eckhart Tolle
The greatest goal you can set this year is to make peace with your life, no matter your circumstances. These 10 powerful insights from Eckhart Tolle will get you started. • Don’t seek happiness. If you seek it, you won’t find it, because seeking is the antithesis of happiness. Happiness is ever elusive, but freedom…
Spirit Guide–Fairy Penguin / Blue Penguin
Years ago, a reader asked me why she was seeing a “Fairy Penguin” in her dreams and seeing pictures of them when she looked in magazines. The reader was seeing a Spirit Guide. What I have learned is that when a spirit guide pops up in your life, it is there to help you focus…
More on UFO’s and the Questers Fall Conference Sept 28-30, 2018
Ladies and Gentlemen! It is time to think about registering for the fall conference to be held at the beautiful Spruce Hill Resort and Spa on the 28th, 29th, and 30th of September. Read more about the conference and the speakers at Remember, there is an evening UFO Skywatch (We are planning an evening…
The Strong Minded Snake (Determination gains Respect) from Buddha Teachings
Once upon a time there was a doctor who was an expert at treating snakebites. One day he was called for by the relatives of a man who had been bitten by a deadly poisonous snake. The doctor told them, “There are two ways of treating this snake bite. One is by giving medicine. The…
STOP! A Meditation by OSHO
Editor’s Note: This meditation by Osho comes from his famous,”Book of Secrets”, and was a wonderful tool to help me become more mindful. I hope that you try this meditation and practice it for the next several weeks. – Judith STOP! A Meditation by OSHO Just as you have the impulse to do something, stop.…
Bach Flower Remedy System
Picture of Bach Rescue Remedy in all its forms I first heard of Bach Rescue Remedy from a friend and neighbour. I came back from the Philippines with an illness that turned out to be a form of malaria, and I was sick! With sickness comes feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and reclusiveness. Sally promised me…
The Best Tranquilizer for Sleeplessness
Since the spring equinox, people have been complaining that they are having trouble sleeping. It may be trouble falling asleep, or waking up at 1:30ish, and not being able to go back to sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, try this very simple, natural remedy. Usually, we are kept awake by unnecessary troubling thoughts. The…
Star Thoughts
Stars, Songs, Faces by Carl Sandburg (1878-1967) GATHER the stars if you wish it so. Gather the songs and keep them. Gather the faces of women. Gather for keeping years and years. And then … Loosen your hands, let go and say goodbye. Let the stars and songs go. Let the faces and years go.…
News From the UFO Chronicles
To Our Readers: We are very excited that our Fall Conference in 100 Mile House, BC, from September 28th to 30th, will host Dave Scott will be doing his “Spaced Out Radio” show live Friday night, and Elizabeth Anglin will be doing her “Cosmic Passport” show live Sunday night, from the Spruce Hill Resort. This…
Releasing A Habit – Meditation
It is the beginning of June. We are coming up the the summer solstice on June 21st. Traditionally, the crops and gardens are planted and we are in high growing season. So, it is time to look at what we are doing to keep ourselves growing physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. What are you doing…
Listing the Extra Terrestrials From Close Encounters with Humans
Dr. Ken Johnston, keynote speaker at the Questers Spring Conference in Red Deer, triggered a lot of discussion about extra terrestrials or star beings on earth, flying around the earth, and having settlements on the Moon. One of the questions that came up in the workshop was what the different species were called, that visited…
Spirit Animals – When Trout Swims Into Your Life
Picture from Rocky Mountain Outlook Community News Have you ever had a dream where you are either walking along a river or canoeing along a river, when all of a sudden, a large speckled fish jumps out at you? More often than not, the fish will be a trout! We currently associate the trout with…
A Chickadee Visit
© 2017 S. Roger Joyeux; Used with permission. Every morning, and sometimes in the evening, the dogs and I walk in the provincial park along the Bow River. When we walk on weekends and evenings, my husband Roger joins us. And, if we are blessed, we are also joined by one of the wild ones. …
Several years ago, I was teaching a beginner’s meditation class, and as part of the workshop, explained the concept of the word/sound “OM” to the participants. Then we did some experiential learning with the sound, both with only me saying the sound, and then with all of us saying the sound. Students felt the vibration…