Category: Nature
Home Made Cures For Various Ailments
HOUSE HOLD ITEMS TO SOLVE HEALTH ISSUES Did you know that drinking two glasses of Gatorade can relieve headache pain almost immediately without the unpleasant side effects caused by traditional pain relievers? Did you know that Colgate Toothpaste makes an excellent salve for burns? Stuffy Nose? Before you head to the drugstore for a high-priced…
Smudging Has Medical and Spiritual Benefits
Anyone that starts on a spiritual practice learns about smudging with sage, juniper, lavender, palo santo wood, or with frankincense, myrrh, or any other number of products. Many incenses are also pure enough to be good smudging agents. Smudging is a way of clearing the energy or aura around one’s self or around others to…
Questers 2018 Fall Conference at 108 Mile House BC on Sept 28, 29, and 30th
Picture is from the 108 Mile Ranch Heritage Site The 2018 Fall Conference A quick heads up on our 2018 fall conference: it will be held September 28, 29th and 30th in 108 Mile House BC this year in partnership with online Spaced Out Radio. More details about this paranormal centered event will be forthcoming…
World Water Day is March 22 2018
A group called – Uplift, We Are One – is asking people all over the world to join them on World Water Day on March 22, 2018. Here is their invitation. Bless the Water on World Water Day Join the Campaign to Protect the World’s WaterOn World Water Day, March 22 gather at your local…
Spirit Animal–Blue Jay
This winter, the Blue Jays have been hanging out in our back yard, teasing our dog, and stealing all the peanuts and sunflower seeds they can from the seeds I put out for the birds and the squirrels. Our birds are wonderfully colorful and noisy! It made me think of a blog that I wrote…
Spirit Animal–Ox
Image of Oxen from Oxen pulled the carts and wagons that helped the pioneers cross North America from the East to the West coast. “Dependable, calm, methodical, patient, hardworking, ambitious, conventional, steady, modest, logical, resolute, tenacious. Can be stubborn, narrow-minded, materialistic, rigid, demanding.” Ox is actually a bull that has been neutered either because…
Thoughts on Being Alone and on Water
Spirit Animal – Junco
Juncos like the mountains, and can be found flying around the Rockies, and go as far north as the tundra. They are a shy, hardy little bird. Junco from Wikipedia Junco brings a New Year’s message. Remember, that she eats seeds and insects, and likes to be in flocks with her kind, hopping about…
Happy New Year 2018! President’s Message
President’s Message Merry Christmas and Happy Solstice Fellow Questers! Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who helped to create a fabulous fall conference in Salmon Arm. Special thanks go to our Board of Directors and Anar Kassem who each worked with great dedication throughout 2017. We look forward to welcoming new Quester members on…
Christmas Peace
As we move towards a new year, the news is full of different people and different groups asking for peace. For peace to happen, everyone needs to be on board with the idea, and with the “rules” that come with peace. It is difficult to be peaceful when you cannot feed and cloth your family,…
Christmas Thoughts – Reflection
The Angels tell us that the next several weeks is a good space of time to reflect. They even suggest that we make a list of all the important things in our life. Then make a list of the nice-to-have things. And finally, make a list of the things that are not important. When you…