• Raymon Grace January Newsletter

    January Newsletter Raymon Grace Foundation <april-raymongracefoundation.org@shared1.ccsend.com> 10:23 AM (1 hour ago) to me  A Note From AprilHello Friends,I want to thank you again for those of you who donated to my dance studio renovation! I put a video on the go fund me page but I’ve included the before and after below… this is also where Raymon’s classes…

  • Rory Duff Dowsing Ley Lines

    This video 1 hour long by Mr. Tongue of Victoria BC interviewing Rory Duff covers the increase in ley lines in many parts of the world. New Dragon Lines are appearing. Tellurian energies are increasing as the width of the ley lines are broadening. Rory Duff believes by the end of 2024 there will be…

  • Jeane Manning Free Energy Article

    New energy breakthroughs SCIENCE Freeing the spirit of power for the people 54 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com AUGUST – SEPTEMBER 2023aiming higher than mere survival.Recently I interviewed knowledgeable inventors andscientists for an update on their corners and outposts ofthe breakthrough-energy field. They are a small samplingof thousands around the world. Some are quietlyuncovering fundamental laws of…

  • Susan Collins Solistice Greeting

    Shortest day? longest night? Or longest day, shortest night?Whichever, let’s make the most of the time we have.Sure, we’ve made mistakes. Yeah, there are some regrets. But let’s look forward to the coming days and do the best we can with what we have, where we are. To quote an old mentor: Be. Here. Now.May…

  • Raymon Grace December Newsletter

     A Note From AprilHello Friends,I was overwhelmed with the support for my studio expansion project! Thank you so much for everyone who donated! You will be receiving a personal thank you from me… it’s been a busy few weeks but I’ll be sitting down to work on that today. I was blown away by your…

  • Qualities of Star People

    Qualities of Star People If you’re having trouble viewing this email, you can see it online.Fellow Questers,On the first Thursday of every month, CSQ hosts an open forum to share information on a variety of topics of interest to Questers. Last month, CSQ treasurer and volunteer Richard Mciver read to us all the qualities of Star…

  • New Information on Schumann Resonance

    Schumann Frequencies Increased by Solar Activity. I spend time on YouTube looking at engineering, astrophysics, and rocket launches. The YT algorithm added Stefan Burns to my playlist. Stefan Burns does not have a huge following and it is curious that the Artificial Intelligence linked a geophysicist. I was shocked by the information.  Stefan Burns –…

  • November Raymon Grace Newsletter

    1 of 7,917 Print all In new window November Newsletter Inbox Search for all messages with label Inbox Remove label Inbox from this conversation Raymon Grace Foundation april@raymongracefoundation.org via auth.ccsend.com  4:31 PM (1 hour ago) to me  A Note From AprilHello friends,I hope you are all having a wonderful start to the holiday season, whichever holiday you choose to celebrate. This month’s…

  • Astrology Dates Coming to Watch For:

    Re: Astrology Dates coming up to watch for. On Sun, Nov 5, 2023, at 7:00 AM Questers Online <info@questers.ca> wrote:  If you’re having trouble viewing this email, you can see it online.Fellow Questers, Many blessings to you all. We thoroughly enjoyed Tamara of www.wildskysisters.ca sharing the basic elements of astrology at our Open Forum last week. In…

  • Raymon Grace Newsletter October 2023

    16 of 7,704 Print allIn new windowOctober NewsletterInboxSearch for all messages with label InboxRemove label Inbox from this conversationRaymon Grace Foundation april@raymongracefoundation.org via auth.ccsend.com Thu, Oct 26, 11:03 AM (4 days ago)to me   A Note From AprilHello Friends,Raymon will possibly be offering one more class this year in Abingdon, VA. I will be taking over the registration duties. The potential class is December 2-3. This will…

  • Fall Into Balance Susan Collins

    8 of 7,560 Print allIn new windowFall into balanceInboxSearch for all messages with label InboxRemove label Inbox from this conversationSusan via mailchimpapp.net Sat, Oct 7, 1:23 PM (2 days ago)to meThis is a good time to consider how we might find balance. Strength comes from being in our bodies. The physical is the platform to tune our mental, emotional, spiritual and psychic selves.I’m…

  • Looking for a Dowser who identifies earth radiations

    D Kurvers <dkurvers@gmail.com>To: Wed 10/4/2023 6:41 PM Hello, Could you point me to someone who specializes in the dowsing / questing for earth radiation and health related matters on properties? My father Luke Kurvers was a dowser / quester.  Perhaps you may have hear of him?  He lived on Little White Lake for many years outside…

  • Raymon Grace September 2023 Newsletter

    16 of 7,420 Print allIn new windowSeptember NewsletterInboxSearch for all messages with label InboxRemove label Inbox from this conversationRaymon Grace Foundation april@raymongracefoundation.org via auth.ccsend.com Fri, Sep 15, 6:34 AM (3 days ago)to me A Note From RaymonHowdy Folks.As you know, I use the quote, ‘Energy Follows Thought’ quite often. This month am sending you two videos of how it works.Honey bees have a lot of intelligence and can…

  • Newsletter

           Meetings are held @ 2pm on the 3rd Sunday of every month except December being the 2nd Sunday @ The Community Hall, 44 Gladesville Road Hunters Hill NSWCheck out our speakers and presenters for 2023Information concerning our speakers and meetings contained in the calendar below.JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberContact the President or Secretary if you would like to appear as a speaker or…

  • Dowsing Training

    You may want to post this FREE, OPEN EVENT on our website (c/o BSD).The 24hr long dowsing event begins at 0100 Vancouver time. This is quite an informal event but if you are able to join us we would love to hear about you, where you are from and your favourite dowsing practices etc. This is only if you…

  • Dr. Michael Persinger: No More Secrets Video

    This is really important for dowsers:  NO MORE SECRETS Dr. Michael Persinger in 2011 in Laurentian University Sudbury Ontario lectures on thought transference and a simple machine that increases the accuracy of telepathy. This was developed with Ingo Swann and other people who worked on Remote Viewing in 1971 at Stanford Research Institute for the…

  • Susan Collins: International Dowsing Day Recordings

    Sun, Jun 11 • 09:22 Event recordings! ———- Forwarded message ——— From: Susan Collins Personal Management Consultant <susan@dowser.ca> Date: Sun, Jun 11, 2023 at 7:47 AM Subject: Event recordings!   Do try this at home! In case you missed the live International Dowsing Day event on May 7, I’ve added the full recording below. And if you weren’t able to…

  • Biomagnetism: Nancy Tyler Presentation to Questers

    On June 1 2023 holistic practitioner, Nancy Tyler, from Pitt Meadows BC on our monthly Questers Zoom Conference Call talked about Biomagnetism. She has had clinical success with the non invasive treatments. The two hour Zoom call was not recorded. She mentioned YouTube videos by Dr. Luis F. Garcia MD from Colombia as a good…

  • Raymon Grace Newsletter

    Raymon Grace sends out Quarterly Newsletters. You too can subscribe.   On Thu, May 25, 2023 at 7:14 AM Raymon Grace Foundation <april@raymongracefoundation.org> wrote:   A Note From Raymon Howdy Folks, Am continually looking for useful information to share with you and some of this information comes from friends and their successes. My friend Warren…

  • Today Susan Collins Dowsing Day

      Get some dowsing tips! Join us on the International Dowsing Day Facebook page on May 7 for some practical dowsing tips. Details below. Virtual hugs, Susan Online Events (details below) May 7International Dowsing Day June 3/4Water Masterclass: Everything Has Consciousness June 14House Healing – Dowsing for Feng Shui & Space Clearing Bonus video: The…