Category: Other

  • A Simple Healing Breathing Exercise

    Find a place to be quiet in. Sit down, or stand, and bow your head. Straighten up and breathe in deeply. Breathe in the joy of a child’s laugh. Breathe out the anger you hold in your body. Repeat 6 times. – Many blessings! From the Editor – This is a simple exercise that I…

  • Invocation That May be Used at Equinox

    The fall equinox arrives on Saturday, September 22, 2018.  This day is special because it is the second day of the year when day and night are almost equal.  Different cultures refer to the Autumn Equinox as “Mabon” –  a time to express gratitude, complete projects and honor a moment of balance. The following invocation…

  • Talking About Haunted Places in Alberta and British Columbia

    Have you registered for the PARACON – Quester’s Fall Conference – at 100 Mile House BC?  One of the attractions at the conference is focusing around ghost hunters and a ghost walk.  I began wondering if there were other locations in Canada that had well known, haunted sites.  I found a great website called Haunted…

  • Registration is Open for The Fall Conference – PARACON 2018

    Ladies and Gentlemen, You may know register for the Fall Conference by using this link…  You can download the brochure here –  A listing of all of the different ticket types for the conference, is available at the bottom of the page, as below. Register, and come and hang out at Spruce Hills…

  • More on UFO’s and the Questers Fall Conference Sept 28-30, 2018

    Ladies and Gentlemen!  It is time to think about registering for the fall conference to be held at the beautiful Spruce Hill Resort and Spa on the 28th, 29th, and 30th of September.  Read more about the conference and the speakers at Remember, there is an evening UFO Skywatch (We are planning an evening…

  • The Angels at Work

    Picture from Chapter 1: The Angels at Work 1.1 The Angelic Mission In a moment of contemplation, visualize the heavens from Earth; then visualize Earth from the heavens. Who sees? How do they see? From Earth’s viewpoint, except for the sun, moon, and stars, heavenly light coming to Earth is invisible. From the viewpoint…

  • Thoughts for August 1 2018–Lughnasadh

    1. Lughnasadh, also called Lammas, falls on August 1, roughly halfway between the summer solstice and autumn equinox. 2. The name of the holiday derives from Old Gaelic and is a combination of Lugh, a Celtic god, and násad, or assembly. 3. The holiday honors Lugh, the Celtic god of light, but it also celebrates…

  • I Decided To Succeed – By Walt Disney

    I Decided To Succeed – By Walt Disney And so after waiting aimlessly one day like any other I decided to succeed. I decided not to wait for opportunities but to go out and find them. I decided to see every problem as challenges with infinite possibilities. I decided to see the desert as an…

  • Bach Flower Remedy System

    Picture of Bach Rescue Remedy in all its forms I first heard of Bach Rescue Remedy from a friend and neighbour.  I came back from the Philippines with an illness that turned out to be a form of malaria, and I was sick!  With sickness comes feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and reclusiveness.   Sally promised me…

  • A Discussion About Ghosts

    Picture representing ghostly house and spirit I am the first to say that I believe in ghosts and that I had ghostly experiences.  I love to talk about ghost and/or unexplained experiences. I am very excited about our Questers Fall Conference in September 2018 because we will be talking about ghosts. But,  I never really…

  • Happy 4th of July 2018

    Happy 4th of July to all our American members and friends. May this July 4th be a wonderful day of celebration!

  • News From the UFO Chronicles

    To Our Readers: We are very excited that our Fall Conference in 100 Mile House, BC, from September 28th to 30th, will host Dave Scott will be doing his “Spaced Out Radio” show live Friday night, and Elizabeth Anglin will be doing her “Cosmic Passport” show live Sunday night, from the Spruce Hill Resort.  This…

  • Throat Chakra Thoughts

  • Releasing A Habit – Meditation

    It is the beginning of June. We are coming up the the summer solstice on June 21st.  Traditionally, the crops and gardens are planted and we are in high growing season.  So, it is time to look at what we are doing to keep ourselves growing physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.   What are you doing…

  • The Greatest Fear is the Opinion of Others

    Funny thing… we want to please the people that we like.  Because we have that need, we pay attention to what we wear, what we eat, what we say, what we do, and even, what we work. Because we want to please that one person, we are the sheep to their lion (or substitute wolf,…

  • Listing the Extra Terrestrials From Close Encounters with Humans

    Dr. Ken Johnston, keynote speaker at the Questers Spring Conference in Red Deer, triggered a lot of discussion about extra terrestrials or star beings on earth, flying around the earth, and having settlements on the Moon.  One of the questions that came up in the workshop was what the different species were called, that visited…

  • Spirit Animals – When Trout Swims Into Your Life

    Picture from Rocky Mountain Outlook Community News Have you ever had a dream where you are either walking along a river or canoeing along a river, when all of a sudden, a large speckled fish jumps out at you? More often than not, the fish will be a trout! We currently associate the trout with…

  • Home Made Cures For Various Ailments

    HOUSE HOLD ITEMS TO SOLVE HEALTH ISSUES Did you know that drinking two glasses of Gatorade can relieve headache pain almost immediately without the unpleasant side effects caused by traditional pain relievers? Did you know that Colgate Toothpaste makes an excellent salve for burns? Stuffy Nose?  Before you head to the drugstore for a high-priced…

  • Happy Easter 2018

    Happy Easter from everyone at Canadian Society of Questers.

  • Smudging Has Medical and Spiritual Benefits

    Anyone that starts on a spiritual practice learns about smudging with sage, juniper, lavender, palo santo wood, or with frankincense, myrrh, or any other number of products. Many incenses are also pure enough to be good smudging agents. Smudging is a way of clearing the energy or aura around one’s self or around others to…