Category: Space

  • Is the North Magnetic Pole Heading for Siberia?

    There have been reports of the North Magnetic Pole heading towards Siberia at rates up to fifty miles per day yet the deviation of the compass from British Columbia is towards Greenland. What is really curious is that the aurora borealis is still on roughly the same circle it has been for the past seventy-five…

  • The Billy Meier Prophecies

    One of the speakers at the Spring Conference was Michael Horn, who spoke about the prophecies of Billy Meier.  The presentation was so thought provoking that I looked up information on Billy Meier and his prophecies. Here is some information that you can follow up on. Main page – Billy and his work –…

  • Dowsing the Future Towards Us–Spring Conference Report

    AUTHOR –   Serah Roer, long time Quester and past Membership secretary – writes about the Spring Questers conference in Red Deer.  Serah provides a very clear picture of the speakers and the take-away for each of us for everyday living.. Note:  Some editing provided by Judith Hirst, and the pictures are provided by Judith. The…

  • Enjoying Spring!

    Talking About Spring! Happy Colors – Spring also brings out the beautiful colors of the earth. From the blue sky and luscious greenness of the grass to the myriad of blossoming flowers, spring is a rainbow of colorful delight. Love – Spring is the time for love to flourish – it’s just the way nature…

  • Michael Horn

    Michael Horn – Keynote Speaker Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts, which he has researched since 1979 (and which have now been independently proven to be absolutely authentic). He is the writer and producer of the award-winning feature length documentary, “And Did they Listen?”, as well as “as the time fulfills”,  “The…

  • Circle of Life – Nature Style!

    Circle of Life – Nature Style!   The movie and stage show, “The Lion King” popularized the concept of the circle of life through the wonderful song with the words by Tim Rice put to music by Elton John.  Our ancestors understood that the events in their lives were cyclical – much like the seasons…

  • Reflections on January

    Spring Conference – save the dates for Friday to Sunday, May 3, 4, and 5, 2019 for the Quester’s Spring Conference in beautiful Red Deer, Alberta.  Fall Conference – scheduled for October 4, 5, and 6, 2019 at the Prestige Inn in lovely Salmon Arm, BC. Watch the website – for more details. Reflections…

  • Welcome December 2018

    Picture of Lake Louise with the Lake Louise Chateau in the foreground December arrives and with it, the cold and the snow, and the skiing and snowshoeing, and the tobogganing and shoveling.  December is an exhilarating month in Canada because the cold invigorates, people are attending Christmas parties and families are getting ready to celebrate…

  • A Blast From the Past–Einstein Is Right!

    Einstein is Right! A survey of the stars using the Hubble Space Telescope has confirmed the accelerating expansion of the universe and Einstein’s ideas about gravity, a team of astronomers said. ……….. The survey, published this week in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, confirmed that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, propelled by…

  • Most Haunted Episodes Filmed In The North West Of England

    At Questers, we are excited about the Ghost Tour on an old section of the old Cariboo Wagon Road, which is situated on the Spruce Hill property, for our Fall Conference at 100 Mile House BC.  Check out the information at Facebook – because we are doing something different this year for our annual Questers’…

  • More on UFO’s and the Questers Fall Conference Sept 28-30, 2018

    Ladies and Gentlemen!  It is time to think about registering for the fall conference to be held at the beautiful Spruce Hill Resort and Spa on the 28th, 29th, and 30th of September.  Read more about the conference and the speakers at Remember, there is an evening UFO Skywatch (We are planning an evening…

  • The Number of Civilizations In Space and The Drake Equation

    As we near the Fall Conference called “PARACON”, attendees need to know why we are so focused on UFOs for this event.  Different civilizations beyond ours are projected to be in existence in the Milky Way.  The following information comes from the article “The Drake Equation” on the site, An amazing mathematician, Dr. Frank…

  • I Decided To Succeed – By Walt Disney

    I Decided To Succeed – By Walt Disney And so after waiting aimlessly one day like any other I decided to succeed. I decided not to wait for opportunities but to go out and find them. I decided to see every problem as challenges with infinite possibilities. I decided to see the desert as an…

  • Visions

    “Then I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and around and about me was the whole hoop of the world… I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit and the shapes of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw…

  • Star Thoughts

    Stars, Songs, Faces by Carl Sandburg (1878-1967) GATHER the stars if you wish it so. Gather the songs and keep them. Gather the faces of women. Gather for keeping years and years. And then … Loosen your hands, let go and say goodbye. Let the stars and songs go. Let the faces and years go.…

  • News From the UFO Chronicles

    To Our Readers: We are very excited that our Fall Conference in 100 Mile House, BC, from September 28th to 30th, will host Dave Scott will be doing his “Spaced Out Radio” show live Friday night, and Elizabeth Anglin will be doing her “Cosmic Passport” show live Sunday night, from the Spruce Hill Resort.  This…

  • Listing the Extra Terrestrials From Close Encounters with Humans

    Dr. Ken Johnston, keynote speaker at the Questers Spring Conference in Red Deer, triggered a lot of discussion about extra terrestrials or star beings on earth, flying around the earth, and having settlements on the Moon.  One of the questions that came up in the workshop was what the different species were called, that visited…