• Joey Korn

    Joey Korn   Joey Korn in Issaquah Washington in May 2005 taught me how to use L-rods. As soon as he showed how to locate underground streams I got it. I have seen him three more times at Questers Conferences and each time he has brought something new to teach. Flying from Augusta Georgia to…

  • T.E.D. (Ted) Wright

    T.E.D. (Ted) Wright Ted, if he is still around is about 100 years old. He has dowsed more wells in the Okanagan than anyone else. His technique is unusual in that he holds one arm in front and the other behind with both hands open, palms down. He dowses the underground streams walking with the…

  • Ed Stillman

    Ed Stillman Met Ed Stillman once in May 2005 at the Can Am Dowsers Conference in Issaquah Washington. He was a professional engineer from San Francisco who moved to Arizona when he retired. Then he took up a new career of water dowsing in a state with a lot of desert. He was good at…

  • Walt Woods

    Walt Woods Walt Woods the master dowser who wrote “A Letter to Robin” to teach a young woman how to dowse has been the door way for many to learning how to use this powerful tool. I saw him at two Quester’s conferences and believe he taught at earlier conferences. He had an easy gentle…

  • Talking about Truth and Willingness

    Today’s challenge for me is to meditate on the words “truth” and “willingness”.   These are really tough words to put together to come up with an “aha” moment.   Truth, of course, is always the way that the different parties understand a situation.  Truth can be altered by the emphasis put on different words in…

  • 2019 National Dowsing Convention & Metaphysical Expo

    From our friends at the American Society of Dowsers, for the first time ever they will be live streaming one of their events! The online livestream webcast is going to run from June 28-30 and feature topics about consciousness and soul retrieving with dowsing. Keynote Dowser Brian Besco will be giving his keynote presentation on…

  • Talking About the Soul

    I was having a discussion about life and particularly, the way life is now playing out with a good friend.  She said to me, what if our soul wants us to die now.  The thought took me so by surprise that I was speechless!  She asked me if I was okay.  I said that I…

  • Summer Solstice June 21 2019

    Summer Solstice Sun at Stonehenge The year moves swiftly!   It is time to honor the longest day of the Sun. Summer Solstice 2019 in Northern Hemisphere will be at 9:54 a.m. on Friday June 21, Mountain Time.  How will you celebrate the longest day? The summer solstice is associated with change, fresh starts, and with…

  • Raymon Grace

    Thank You Judith Hirst for your two years of Blogs on Questers.ca and a lot of unseen work in the background. I will continue in her tradition of discussing a wide range of topics. I will bring up new subjects and ideas as the blog unrolls. I will center my first blogs on my experiences…

  • What is Happiness? See the Story.

    One of the best teaching stories about happiness that I have read comes from Buddhist teachings.  Here is a story about happiness. Each person reading this story will have a different take away, and that is a good thing.  What I hope that everybody understands from this story is that our happiness stems from how…

  • How To Display Trust – Mother Duck

    Several years ago, one of my friends sent me the coolest story of a duck trusting her instincts and going to a policeman for help to save her babies.  This Mother is a shining example of faith, of extreme love for her young, of the way Nature is changing with all of her children, and…

  • Introducing Our New Blogger

    Dear Readers, I am so pleased to announce that effective immediately, our very own Board Member, Glen Livingstone, will be taking over the duties of blog master.  You will see a few more of my blogs that will appear until the end of June.  After that, Glen will be peppering us with new blogs, thoughts,…

  • A Morning Prayer for All

    The following prayer comes from writer Deng Ming-Dao. From Wikipedia – About Author –  Deng Ming-Dao (born 1954, San Francisco) is a Chinese American author, artist, philosopher, teacher and martial artist. Deng is his family name; Ming-Dao is his given name. From a young age, he studied Taoist internal arts such as Qigong and Kung-Fu. …

  • On Taking Risks

    What is behind door number one?  ~~Picture from Microsoft Clipart RISK ~Author unknown~ To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.To reach out to others is to risk involvement.To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self.To place your ideas, your dreams before a crowd is to risk…

  • The Billy Meier Prophecies

    One of the speakers at the Spring Conference was Michael Horn, who spoke about the prophecies of Billy Meier.  The presentation was so thought provoking that I looked up information on Billy Meier and his prophecies. Here is some information that you can follow up on. Main page – http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Main_Page Billy and his work –…

  • Should You Ever Give Up?

    Picture from: https://weatherfarm.com/community-photos/tornado-season-touches-down-in-alberta/ I was listening to some people talking in the shopping mall.  They were talking about a friend who had suffered some extreme bad luck.  They marveled at the friend’s ability to see the brightness in every disaster – even when part of their farm was ripped up by a tornado.  One of…

  • A Life Based On Conditions

    A while ago, one of my friends sent me the following story in an email.  The story moved me so much, and made me also think about all the clients that I have worked with over the  years who live their life based on “when” and ‘if”.  These folks miss so much because they are…

  • About Sweetgrass

    Hierochloe odorata  – Sweet grass  at Chief Whitecap Park, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada by SriMesh, used with permission under GNU Free Documentation License Sweetgrass is a very aromatic grass – some call it herb – that grows in Europe and parts of North America.  Our Ancestors believed that the Sweetgrass plant was the first plant to…

  • Dowsing the Future Towards Us–Spring Conference Report

    AUTHOR –   Serah Roer, long time Quester and past Membership secretary – writes about the Spring Questers conference in Red Deer.  Serah provides a very clear picture of the speakers and the take-away for each of us for everyday living.. Note:  Some editing provided by Judith Hirst, and the pictures are provided by Judith. The…

  • To Be Filled With Joy!

    How do you become filled with joy when you feel like the bottom has dropped out of your life?  The answer is simple and complicated at the same time.  It is about finding a place to start… a place to take a simple step.  For me, that simple step is usually to go through the…