Category: Other

  • T.E.D. (Ted) Wright

    T.E.D. (Ted) Wright Ted, if he is still around is about 100 years old. He has dowsed more wells in the Okanagan than anyone else. His technique is unusual in that he holds one arm in front and the other behind with both hands open, palms down. He dowses the underground streams walking with the…

  • Ed Stillman

    Ed Stillman Met Ed Stillman once in May 2005 at the Can Am Dowsers Conference in Issaquah Washington. He was a professional engineer from San Francisco who moved to Arizona when he retired. Then he took up a new career of water dowsing in a state with a lot of desert. He was good at…

  • Walt Woods

    Walt Woods Walt Woods the master dowser who wrote “A Letter to Robin” to teach a young woman how to dowse has been the door way for many to learning how to use this powerful tool. I saw him at two Quester’s conferences and believe he taught at earlier conferences. He had an easy gentle…

  • Talking about Truth and Willingness

    Today’s challenge for me is to meditate on the words “truth” and “willingness”.   These are really tough words to put together to come up with an “aha” moment.   Truth, of course, is always the way that the different parties understand a situation.  Truth can be altered by the emphasis put on different words in…

  • 2019 National Dowsing Convention & Metaphysical Expo

    From our friends at the American Society of Dowsers, for the first time ever they will be live streaming one of their events! The online livestream webcast is going to run from June 28-30 and feature topics about consciousness and soul retrieving with dowsing. Keynote Dowser Brian Besco will be giving his keynote presentation on…

  • Talking About the Soul

    I was having a discussion about life and particularly, the way life is now playing out with a good friend.  She said to me, what if our soul wants us to die now.  The thought took me so by surprise that I was speechless!  She asked me if I was okay.  I said that I…

  • Raymon Grace

    Thank You Judith Hirst for your two years of Blogs on and a lot of unseen work in the background. I will continue in her tradition of discussing a wide range of topics. I will bring up new subjects and ideas as the blog unrolls. I will center my first blogs on my experiences…

  • Introducing Our New Blogger

    Dear Readers, I am so pleased to announce that effective immediately, our very own Board Member, Glen Livingstone, will be taking over the duties of blog master.  You will see a few more of my blogs that will appear until the end of June.  After that, Glen will be peppering us with new blogs, thoughts,…

  • About Sweetgrass

    Hierochloe odorata  – Sweet grass  at Chief Whitecap Park, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada by SriMesh, used with permission under GNU Free Documentation License Sweetgrass is a very aromatic grass – some call it herb – that grows in Europe and parts of North America.  Our Ancestors believed that the Sweetgrass plant was the first plant to…

  • Dowsing the Future Towards Us–Spring Conference Report

    AUTHOR –   Serah Roer, long time Quester and past Membership secretary – writes about the Spring Questers conference in Red Deer.  Serah provides a very clear picture of the speakers and the take-away for each of us for everyday living.. Note:  Some editing provided by Judith Hirst, and the pictures are provided by Judith. The…

  • Why Do We Hurry?

    “Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.” – Saint Francis de Sales Picture from Do you remember the story of the tortoise and the hare?  They had a race, and even though…

  • Welcome May 1 2019

    There are many fun facts about May 1st that you may not know.  Here are some things to think about. 1.  May 1 represents spring. Spring is known as the time when the fertility is high because of the favorable temperature and a feeling of celebration. Hence, fertility is also celebrated, and young couples are…

  • Ancestors Speak – Big Rock, Alberta

      “Big Rock In The Sun”  Photo by Judith Hirst,  July 2008 This picture is of a “glacial erratic” and it is located south of Calgary, Alberta, five miles west of Highway 2A, on Highway 7.  This chunk of rock is the only huge rock of its kind in the area.  It is made up…

  • Enjoying Spring!

    Talking About Spring! Happy Colors – Spring also brings out the beautiful colors of the earth. From the blue sky and luscious greenness of the grass to the myriad of blossoming flowers, spring is a rainbow of colorful delight. Love – Spring is the time for love to flourish – it’s just the way nature…

  • Susan Collins

    Susan is an acclaimed dowsing teacher, keynote speaker and workshop leader. She uses traditional dowsing tools as well as the power of heart and thought to detect and transform non-beneficial Earth, Environmental, Psychic and Other energy patterns. She has presented at conferences across North America, the UK, in Italy, Japan and in the Middle East…

  • April 1, 2019–Happy April Fool’s Day!

    The Spring conference is a month away.  Check out the line up of speakers at  Come and join the fun! April 1, 2019–Happy April Fool’s Day! Today, April 1, is called April Fools’ Day.  This is a day that was meant to be filled with laughter and foolish, harmless pranks.  Some of the foolish…

  • A Curry, You Say?

    Check out the information on the Questers Spring Conference in Red Deer Alberta at A Curry, You Say? I have friends that swear by the power of curry to cure what ever ails a person.  When I was feeling the after effects of the flu and then a cold, they urged me to have…

  • Georgia Miller

    Georgia Miller is an inveterate and good practicing Quester blessed with many gifts and an extraordinary life. Prepare to be entranced by her tales of the paranormal, near death experiences, and synchronicities, as well as teachings learned as a child and practiced all her life. Georgia will be speaking at our Spring Conference 2019, to…

  • Circle of Life – Nature Style!

    Circle of Life – Nature Style!   The movie and stage show, “The Lion King” popularized the concept of the circle of life through the wonderful song with the words by Tim Rice put to music by Elton John.  Our ancestors understood that the events in their lives were cyclical – much like the seasons…

  • Using Juniper As A Herb

    A good read is Whispers From the Woods by Sandra Kynes (Lewellyn Worldwide, Woodbury, MN The description of one of the trees really struck a me with a moment of AHA! All over Canada, it seems that juniper bushes get planted in front of the house or behind the house or in the yard.…