Category: Healing

  • Releasing A Habit – Meditation

    It is the beginning of June. We are coming up the the summer solstice on June 21st.  Traditionally, the crops and gardens are planted and we are in high growing season.  So, it is time to look at what we are doing to keep ourselves growing physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.   What are you doing…

  • My Experience with "I am Abundant" Spray by Vibemamas

    We Questers were lucky to have Cindi Johnston as one of our speakers at the Spring Conference in Red Deer.  Cindi shifted the energy for many of us with her honest discussion of her experiences, and with her mystical meditation.  Cindi had a booth in the market area.  One of the products that she was…

  • Spirit Animals – Eagle

    Around the world, the Eagle is revered for its majesty, size, fierce look, and for its ability to soar so high. A sports team adopts it as a team name. Countries use it as their symbol. Shaman and warriors have worn its wings and claws to represent their power. In the Inca Tradition, the Eagle/Condor…

  • Home Made Cures For Various Ailments

    HOUSE HOLD ITEMS TO SOLVE HEALTH ISSUES Did you know that drinking two glasses of Gatorade can relieve headache pain almost immediately without the unpleasant side effects caused by traditional pain relievers? Did you know that Colgate Toothpaste makes an excellent salve for burns? Stuffy Nose?  Before you head to the drugstore for a high-priced…

  • Pairing Up and Paring Down

    The various astrologers and mystics have been writing about the January 31 2018 Full Moon Eclipse – saying that it is the start of a nineteen (19) year cycle.  The eclipses  are karmic timers that signify a change in fate and destiny.  In this particular 19 year cycle, we will each need to deal with…

  • Spring Equinox March 20 2018 Message

    This spring equinox is about rejuvenation of the self.  What this means is, concentrate on your own healing, wisdom, learning, growth, and experience.  Let others concentrate on their own journey.  Offering unsolicited advice, driving and controlling others, and manipulating those around you, will lead to illness very quickly. This brings to mind the affirmations that…

  • Smudging Has Medical and Spiritual Benefits

    Anyone that starts on a spiritual practice learns about smudging with sage, juniper, lavender, palo santo wood, or with frankincense, myrrh, or any other number of products. Many incenses are also pure enough to be good smudging agents. Smudging is a way of clearing the energy or aura around one’s self or around others to…

  • My Goran’s Healing Experience By Fred Greef

    Background In mid February, Jacquelyn Rose, current Questers President,  asked all participants in Goran’s hands on healing post-conference workshop at the Fall Conference 2017, to share any notable or dramatic benefits you received from his transmissions? For those of you that didn’t attend, here is what was scheduled to happen in the workshop on Sunday…

  • Healing and Bloodstone

    Healers of all kinds will benefit from knowing how the healing crystals work and how they are best used.  Perhaps you are already an intuitive healer, but now want to learn how crystals can help.  If you are an intuitive healer, crystals will work for you, but your own gift trumps all. Healing needs to…

  • Karmic Thoughts

    “I am the owner of my karma. I inherit my karma. I am born of my karma. I am related to my karma.I live supported by my karma. Whatever karma I create, whether good or evil, that I shall inherit.” The Buddha, Anguttara Nikaya V.57 – Upajjhatthana Sutta “When the earth is dying there shall…

  • My Soul Deserves Peace

    As we come up to the Blue Moon on January 31 2018, several things spring to mind that we need to be aware of. Blue – The color blue is about truth.  This Blue Moon will shine on truth for several months.  If you have a secret that is burning to be told, now may…

  • The Vision of Black Elk

    “Then I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and around and about me was the whole hoop of the world… I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit and the shapes of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw…

  • Spirit Animal – Junco

    Juncos like the mountains, and can be found flying around the Rockies, and go as far north as the tundra.  They are a shy, hardy little bird.    Junco from Wikipedia Junco brings a New Year’s  message.  Remember, that she eats seeds and insects, and likes to be in flocks with her kind, hopping about…

  • Happy New Year 2018! President’s Message

    President’s Message Merry Christmas and Happy Solstice Fellow Questers! Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who helped to create a fabulous fall conference in Salmon Arm. Special thanks go to our Board of Directors and Anar Kassem who each worked with great dedication throughout 2017. We look forward to welcoming new Quester members on…

  • How To Set Intentions for 2018 or For Any New Goal

    For those of you that have asked questions about how to set your intentions for a new year, I would like to share a beautiful ritual that one of my friends sent to me several years ago. I do not use this at New Years, however, this ritual is certainly right for that purpose.   I…

  • Merry Christmas 2017!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family from all of us at Canadian Society of Questers ( Our wish for everyone this year is that your Christmas is filled with lots of fun and laughter.  We hope that you let go of all grievances and resentments, and that you begin a new relationship with yourself…

  • Christmas – Divinity is our Nature

    The beautiful offering of thanks was sent to me by several friends in different emails.  I love the simplicity of the message and the beauty of the structure that reflects the Divinity within us. Go in Peace.

  • Christmas Thoughts – Winter and Creativity

    Winter north of the 50th parallel is usually cold and very snowy. The effect of the snow and cold is to keep people more at home then out and about. When we are more still, that is, not caught up in going here and there and doing “busy” things, then we have time to expand…

  • Sharing Your Stories

    Years ago in Winnipeg, I was lucky enough to get tickets to hear Iyanla Vanzant speak about her experiences, and about writing her first several books. One of the topics in her sharing story was about storytelling, and why it is important to share our stories because they provide reference for others and, often, they…

  • December 1 2017–Remember December

    This is the first day of December – a signal to us that Christmas is twenty-four days away!  Do you know the following things about December? 1.  The Moon celebration is called “The Moon of Long Nights”. 2.  During this time, the water is believed to be revitalized. 3.  The event of Winter Solstice, held…