Category: Conference Speaker

  • Susan Collins

    Susan Collins       “Dowser of the Year 2006“   Susan Collins has presented to The Canadian Society of Questers four times over the past fifteen years. Most recently she was at the Questers Spring Conference in Red Deer Alberta in May 2019. Her presentation covered everything she has done and was so intense it…

  • Susan Collins presentation

    Having trouble viewing this email? Click here Sorry for the duplicate email, ZS I present on Nov 14 (not 15) Listen to the ongoing    Success with Soul Summit     (You can hear a replay for 72 hours)   Success with Soul Summit “Feed your soul, shine your magnificence, and invite money to be…

  • Evelyn Rattray

    Evelyn Rattray   I first heard of Evelyn Rattray in 2003 at Raymon Grace’s dowsing school at the Hansen property on Swan Lake in Vernon BC. Raymon and Evelyn had worked together on First Nation’s reserves across Canada to break through the multigenerational trauma caused by the residential school system. Through dowsing Raymon would identify…

  • Richard Coutts

    Richard Coutts Richard Coutts from Calgary Alberta was a gifted dowser. I heard stories of the many people he had helped. His job in a senior’s residence gave him many opportunities to help and to heal others. I was not able to attend any of his presentations as most of his teaching was prior to…

  • Patrick Spearling – Speaker Fall 2019

    Patrick Spearing spent his childhood in Ireland and England. He did his heating engineering degree in Bristol but then hitchhiked across the US and Canada, landing in Vancouver. He sang in Irish pubs and eventually flew and sold small air craft. In 1979, he returned home to work in the family coal business. After 10…

  • John Living

    John Living John Living learned dowsing on a soccer pitch while training in the British Armed Forces over 60 years ago. It was a brief session including other trainees but John got it. He did not tell us in the beginner’s dowsing course why the British Forces were using dowsing but I saw a TV…

  • Doug Gray – Keynote Speaker Fall 2019

    White Eagle extends his paddle inviting you to come with him on a journey of the heart.  Walk the ancient paths of our ancestors and discover the meaning of our connectedness to the earth, to the stars and to who we are. Journey with us to your place of balance, increased awareness and awakening. Come…

  • Jane Donald – Speaker Fall 2019

    Jane Donald published her first book “Sacred Messages from Sacred Ireland” in 2010 since then it has been a success. “These Sacred Messages are channeled through Jane Donald to be given to people who are ready to receive them. They are blessing for mankind and lessons for life.” She has finished two more books “Sacred…

  • Deb Starwalker Peterson – Speaker Fall 2019

    Professional dowser, metaphysical teacher, ascension and lightbody coach, energy therapist, shamanic practitioner, and spiritual hypnotherapist. Earth healing lightworker, anchoring in new galactic energy upgrades and ascension codes for Gaia. Spiritual gatekeeper, able to see, feel, and work with a variety of energies and beings, such as ley lines, negative intrusions, portals, nature spirits, ghosts, angels…

  • David Meade – Speaker Fall 2019

    David has been dowsing for more than 15 years and a Quester for 10 years. He uses dowsing on a daily basis, in Healings, finding lost objects, minerals,  (oil and gas) and as a practitioner in Healing Touch. In the past David has been a marketer and sales advisor in broadcasting and printing, he was…

  • Maggy Davidson – Speaker Fall 2019

    Maggy Davidson is a way-shower and healer and is the proprietor of Spirit Quest Books in Salmon Arm, British Columbia.  She offers life coaching sessions and services such as Genie in the Gene, aura pictures with analysis, colour therapy sessions, psychic readings, past life regressions, and astrological charts,  as well as courses in numerology, pendulum…

  • Ivan McBeth

    Ivan McBeth   Ivan McBeth the unreformed Druid was fun to be around. He was like Haggrid a gentle giant, magical. He used dowsing to build stone circles around the world for earth healing. In a way he was doing geomancer work on a planetary scale. In his 2005 book, “The Crystal Journey Apprenticed to…

  • Mike Doney

    Mike Doney Mike Doney was born in the Medford Oregon area about ninety years ago. He learned dowsing as a teen from family and friends. He could find wells as quickly as his teachers. It was natural for him. Family would ask him to dowse on homes they were looking to buy and Mike would…

  • Joey Korn

    Joey Korn   Joey Korn in Issaquah Washington in May 2005 taught me how to use L-rods. As soon as he showed how to locate underground streams I got it. I have seen him three more times at Questers Conferences and each time he has brought something new to teach. Flying from Augusta Georgia to…

  • 2019 National Dowsing Convention & Metaphysical Expo

    From our friends at the American Society of Dowsers, for the first time ever they will be live streaming one of their events! The online livestream webcast is going to run from June 28-30 and feature topics about consciousness and soul retrieving with dowsing. Keynote Dowser Brian Besco will be giving his keynote presentation on…

  • Tyhson Banighen

    Tyhson J. Banighen, The Illuminator, is an Empath, Master Dowser and Inner Game/Mentor/ Shaman/ Coach/Author/TV Host and Lecturer that has discovered that 95% of your business and wellness success depends on you mastering the inner game of life. He helps clients discover and deliver their unique gifts to the world by showing up, being authentic…

  • Michael Horn

    Michael Horn – Keynote Speaker Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts, which he has researched since 1979 (and which have now been independently proven to be absolutely authentic). He is the writer and producer of the award-winning feature length documentary, “And Did they Listen?”, as well as “as the time fulfills”,  “The…

  • Sarah Salter Kelly

    Sarah Salter Kelly is a writer, healer, spiritual teacher and shamaness extraordinaire with a private practice in Edmonton and Pigeon Lake, Alberta. She is adept at supporting people in healing trauma and creating restorative practices for their day-to-day lives. She has been teaching modern day Shamanism for over 13 years offering training for personal healing…

  • Mario Argenta

    Mario Argenta – Founder of Qigong Calgary Mario has emerged as one of today’s most accessible and accomplished teachers of Qigong in Calgary. He presents easy-to-learn practices that will help you relieve pain, clear stress and tension, and harness your body’s unequaled capacity for self-restoration. He developed his passion for Qigong (pronounced chee gung) in…

  • Judith Hirst

      Judith Hirst – Medium Judith remembers seeing and hearing things that other people could not see or hear when she was six or seven.  Since then, her work with the paranormal has expanded.  She has been able to study with great teachers to learn more about working with the unseen.  Her studies include becoming…