Susan Collins “Dowser of the Year 2006“ Susan Collins has presented to The Canadian Society of Questers four times over the past fifteen years. Most recently she was at the Questers Spring Conference in Red Deer Alberta in May 2019. Her presentation covered everything she has done and was so intense it…
Having trouble viewing this email? Click here Sorry for the duplicate email, ZS I present on Nov 14 (not 15) Listen to the ongoing Success with Soul Summit (You can hear a replay for 72 hours) Success with Soul Summit “Feed your soul, shine your magnificence, and invite money to be…
Questers and Others Looking to Raise their Vibration: The Questers Fall Conference is coming up on October 4, 5, and 6th. You still have time to register and attend the conference. Click on to see the line up and to register. Posted by Judith Hirst
Evelyn Rattray I first heard of Evelyn Rattray in 2003 at Raymon Grace’s dowsing school at the Hansen property on Swan Lake in Vernon BC. Raymon and Evelyn had worked together on First Nation’s reserves across Canada to break through the multigenerational trauma caused by the residential school system. Through dowsing Raymon would identify…
Mark Siermaczeski is the cartoonist who attended many Quester’s conferences Mark, I have watched a number of Florida Marquis videos especially the US Navy collisions a few years back. The grid pattern he has shown is new to me. I have worked out other grids related to the British Colonial Empire and French Empire.…
Richard Coutts Richard Coutts from Calgary Alberta was a gifted dowser. I heard stories of the many people he had helped. His job in a senior’s residence gave him many opportunities to help and to heal others. I was not able to attend any of his presentations as most of his teaching was prior to…
Isabel Stadnicki Isabel Stadnicki is a dowser who used her pendulum for healing. She worked as an Registered Nurse in the Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops after WWII. Somehow she gained the trust of one of the physicians she worked under and provided him with accurate diagnosis of the incoming patients. The physician would…
Few Hurricanes in Summer of 2019 There have been markedly fewer hurricanes in the Atlantic this year. The Pacific cyclones season has been similarly sparse. Checking ocean surface temperatures on The Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean and Atlantic are all five to ten degrees cooler than normal. The western Pacific is near normal with…
There have been reports of the North Magnetic Pole heading towards Siberia at rates up to fifty miles per day yet the deviation of the compass from British Columbia is towards Greenland. What is really curious is that the aurora borealis is still on roughly the same circle it has been for the past seventy-five…
Patrick Spearing spent his childhood in Ireland and England. He did his heating engineering degree in Bristol but then hitchhiked across the US and Canada, landing in Vancouver. He sang in Irish pubs and eventually flew and sold small air craft. In 1979, he returned home to work in the family coal business. After 10…
This is a dowse I did on July 23 2019 for a friend in Los Angeles. I went into the dowse not knowing what would happen which is a good thing when dowsing. I was surprised that 4G megahertz em radiation is almost five time deadlier than 5G. Check this dowse with your own dowse.…
John Living John Living learned dowsing on a soccer pitch while training in the British Armed Forces over 60 years ago. It was a brief session including other trainees but John got it. He did not tell us in the beginner’s dowsing course why the British Forces were using dowsing but I saw a TV…
White Eagle extends his paddle inviting you to come with him on a journey of the heart. Walk the ancient paths of our ancestors and discover the meaning of our connectedness to the earth, to the stars and to who we are. Journey with us to your place of balance, increased awareness and awakening. Come…
Jane Donald published her first book “Sacred Messages from Sacred Ireland” in 2010 since then it has been a success. “These Sacred Messages are channeled through Jane Donald to be given to people who are ready to receive them. They are blessing for mankind and lessons for life.” She has finished two more books “Sacred…
Professional dowser, metaphysical teacher, ascension and lightbody coach, energy therapist, shamanic practitioner, and spiritual hypnotherapist. Earth healing lightworker, anchoring in new galactic energy upgrades and ascension codes for Gaia. Spiritual gatekeeper, able to see, feel, and work with a variety of energies and beings, such as ley lines, negative intrusions, portals, nature spirits, ghosts, angels…
Lynn Clark is a certified Live and Dried Blood analyst and a specialized Kinesiologist. She grew up on a farm in Carstairs, AB., and lived a variety of places until 2011 when she relocated to Tappen, BC. She started her career in alternative health in 1999 when she started and completed classes in Touch for…
David has been dowsing for more than 15 years and a Quester for 10 years. He uses dowsing on a daily basis, in Healings, finding lost objects, minerals, (oil and gas) and as a practitioner in Healing Touch. In the past David has been a marketer and sales advisor in broadcasting and printing, he was…
Maggy Davidson is a way-shower and healer and is the proprietor of Spirit Quest Books in Salmon Arm, British Columbia. She offers life coaching sessions and services such as Genie in the Gene, aura pictures with analysis, colour therapy sessions, psychic readings, past life regressions, and astrological charts, as well as courses in numerology, pendulum…
Ivan McBeth Ivan McBeth the unreformed Druid was fun to be around. He was like Haggrid a gentle giant, magical. He used dowsing to build stone circles around the world for earth healing. In a way he was doing geomancer work on a planetary scale. In his 2005 book, “The Crystal Journey Apprenticed to…
Mike Doney Mike Doney was born in the Medford Oregon area about ninety years ago. He learned dowsing as a teen from family and friends. He could find wells as quickly as his teachers. It was natural for him. Family would ask him to dowse on homes they were looking to buy and Mike would…